

Staff member
Not fun. Very. Not. Fun.

When you have an infection so painful they'll give you narcotics to help you be able to speak coherently.... well. It is just a bit uncomfortable.

I think I'm nearing the end of this massive pain.
Not fun. Very. Not. Fun.

When you have an infection so painful they'll give you narcotics to help you be able to speak coherently.... well. It is just a bit uncomfortable.

I think I'm nearing the end of this massive pain.

I never heard of it, I swear I thought you were saying you had cellulite at first.

I'm sorry, it sounds terrible.
I never heard of it, I swear I thought you were saying you had cellulite at first.

I'm sorry, it sounds terrible.
When they told me I could have died from it... It's hard to comprehend. Little bacterium infecting just the wrong place can cause so much...

I thought I had a kidney stone.
I was hoping this thread would be about getting rid of cellulite or at the very least a good picture I could flood BB's posts with.

I'm very sad to hear you were so sick Damo. That's not kewl at all :(
Thanks. And for a while I may be even less coherent than normal.

I'm typing a bit slower too. I am quite high on narcotics. And I am getting better.
That's the first I'd heard of it too.

Great....now I have yet another medical condition to be scared of. So, how does one contract cellulitis?
How do you catch it ?

so I can avoid the little bassid.
I don't know. They never gave me a satisfactory explanation.

And the web is full of lies about it. It isn't just the skin effected for instance. It was further inside in fat cells near the intestine in myself...

If you get a huge fever get thyself to the doctor soon....
Holy crap dude! I'm so sorry to hear that. That just sucks.

**sidenote** But I guess that explains why you chose Grind over me to be admin. You were probably Delirious with toxins and/or heavy medicine.
I know its painfull, I got it from a Dog Bite a few years back. I had a mild case and it HURT.

Hope you are better soon.!
Holy crap dude! I'm so sorry to hear that. That just sucks.

**sidenote** But I guess that explains why you chose Grind over me to be admin. You were probably Delirious with toxins and/or heavy medicine.
Ouch, my mother had that. We both had the same 'bug' (strep/staph infection - no one would give us a concrete answer either!) that was going around. I ended up with Iritis and blind in one eye, she with cellulitus. It came back too, she almost lost her leg.
Ouch, my mother had that. We both had the same 'bug' (strep/staph infection - no one would give us a concrete answer either!) that was going around. I ended up with Iritis and blind in one eye, she with cellulitus. It came back too, she almost lost her leg.
Yeah, recurrence levels are high for cellulitis...
Ouch, my mother had that. We both had the same 'bug' (strep/staph infection - no one would give us a concrete answer either!) that was going around. I ended up with Iritis and blind in one eye, she with cellulitus. It came back too, she almost lost her leg.

Did you get your sight back?