
my mother in law, God rest her soul, died in october ly. although she was older, 87, she died young, 12 years younger than her mother, all extending from Cellulitis she contracted 6 years ago, from a dog scratch....

it was reoccurring, she was hospitalized several times with very high fevers....she swelled up....they gave her medicines that gave her kidney failure, she went on dialysis, then they took her off dialisis thinking she'd be ok, 2 days later a heart attack, brought back to life, put back on dialysis....got well, left hospital, cellulitis set in again, had to increase dialysis.... etc....eventually.... she went brain dead and in to coma....all her children flew in, made decision together to pull the plug.... i never got to say goodbye.... :( I loved her! the best mother in law and coolest old geezer in the world!!!

anyway, all that from cellulitis....

Damo, don't skip a pill of antibiotics, and even ask for a week more worth....this is NOT a normal bug....it is strong as hell, near impossible to beat with antibiotics...you do have youth on your side though, THANK goodness!!!

my mother in law, God rest her soul, died in october ly. although she was older, 87, she died young, 12 years younger than her mother, all extending from Cellulitis she contracted 6 years ago, from a dog scratch....

it was reoccurring, she was hospitalized several times with very high fevers....she swelled up....they gave her medicines that gave her kidney failure, she went on dialysis, then they took her off dialisis thinking she'd be ok, 2 days later a heart attack, brought back to life, put back on dialysis....got well, left hospital, cellulitis set in again, had to increase dialysis.... etc....eventually.... she went brain dead and in to coma....all her children flew in, made decision together to pull the plug.... i never got to say goodbye.... :( I loved her! the best mother in law and coolest old geezer in the world!!!

anyway, all that from cellulitis....

Damo, don't skip a pill of antibiotics, and even ask for a week more worth....this is NOT a normal bug....it is strong as hell, near impossible to beat with antibiotics...you do have youth on your side though, THANK goodness!!!

Yeah, they gave me two weeks of Arithromicin, which usually has only a 5 day cycle.

Believe me. I'm taking it seriously.
Wow. This is some serious stuff. I'm with Care, make sure you take your medicine regularly and then some. Now you'll have me nagging you.
Wow. This is some serious stuff. I'm with Care, make sure you take your medicine regularly and then some. Now you'll have me nagging you.
Wow. That's what I get for posting on Vicodin...


P.S. It's nice to know you care.