You need to take off that pointy hood and let the air cool that MAGA/Alt-Right brain of yours, bunky.
Repair shops don't PURPOSELY deny people life saving/improving medical treatment while charging them for that very service.
Don't mention lawyers who work for the likes of corporations that deny people healthcare or knowingly place flawed pharmaceuticals on the open market (remember Merck and Vytorin?), because they may be next on someone's hit list.
It like this bunky; you can only piss on a person's shoes and tell them it's raining for a limited time before they clock you one. As you read this, the MAGA GOP has made it so money is speech, corporations are considered living beings in court, Big Pharma can set any price they want and be capped on lawsuits against their bad products, and health insurance companies can literally make up excuses NOT to pay off for customers who religiously made their payments DESPITE RISING COSTS. So yeah, when a bunch of willfully ignorant stooges (that's YOU) bleat the company line against the ACA (Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare) only to have the status quo insurance companies screw you over with lame denials ... and CONGRESS backs their play... you damn sure are going to eventually get folk with their backs against the wall to lash out violently BECAUSE WHEN THEY TRIED TO GO THROUGH LEGAL CHANNELS THEY GOT SCREWED BY A CORRUPTED SYSTEM.
So unhook your lips from the corporate ass and deal with the reality.
I swear, just when I think you sheet wearing wonks have reached your peak or stupidity, you surpass yourselves.
Think, you ignoramus, THINK! Your article points to EXACTLY a same type of situation in the UK that what drove Mangione to violence.
I find it odd that clowns like you are okay with killing doctors or bombing clinics that perform abortions or attempting a riotous insurrection on Jan. 6th, but have a hissy fit because 1 man took to violence against a corrupt system AND IS APPLAUDED BY REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS.
But you keep sucking MAGA/Alt-Right ass, bunky. Hope your toady checks are at least scale.