CEOs Earn Every Penny of Their Pay

You buy the idea that it is almost not worthwhile to serve as a director.

Furthermore, on the liability of directors issue, any company of any size is going to carry director and office liability insurance and will also enter into indemnity agreements with the directors and offices. It's standard practice. Any exposure to liability is 100% mitigated by indemnification agreements and insurance.

No, I simply stated the feedback I received from the two gentlemen I talked to who are on Fortune 500 boards.
that's the proble with ancedotal evidence it can be completely opposite of the reality.

I say football players and actors have to earn their money a lot more than CEO's. There are not clicks, you fail, you get fired or not rehired in case of actors.
The shareholders decide if a ceo is paid to much or not. its nobody else's business. believe me it makes me sick to but im more then willing to pay it as a shareholder if that person gets results.

If corporations are to serve the public interest it is everyone's business.

We keep being told that we get jobs from companies so we have cut taxes to incentivize them to grow business. IF their special favors are marketed as a public service, they must be held to that standard.
cawacko, shareholders should have a lot more power than they do now.
Boards overlyloyal to the ceo are the backbone of the good ole boy network, and it needs drastic change.:clink: