Charlie Crist Signs Papers to Become Democrat at the White House

Bush II was nt a real conservative.
Arnold was not a real conservative.
Crist is not a real conservative.
And it is looking like Chris Christie is not either.

All were right wing darlings when elected....
Seems the right has a hard time finding any electable real conservatives ;)

Arnold was a right-wing darling? I'm guessing you're not from California and didn't actually follow the election if you're making that comment. Tom McClintock was the conservatives choice in the recall that Arnold won. Arnold has always presented himself and ran as a more moderate Republican. He governed the same way. He was NEVER a conservative darling.

And H.W. Bush was a conservative darling? I mean there's no doubt he was liked by Republicans because he won an election but he was always deemed more moderate than Reagan.

And I can't claim to have followed Christ all that closely but IIRC he was always a more moderate Republican and again never a darling of the right-wing.
Arnold was a right-wing darling? I'm guessing you're not from California and didn't actually follow the election if you're making that comment. Tom McClintock was the conservatives choice in the recall that Arnold won. Arnold has always presented himself and ran as a more moderate Republican. He governed the same way. He was NEVER a conservative darling.

And H.W. Bush was a conservative darling? I mean there's no doubt he was liked by Republicans because he won an election but he was always deemed more moderate than Reagan.

And I can't claim to have followed Christ all that closely but IIRC he was always a more moderate Republican and again never a darling of the right-wing.

you forget how Orrin Hatch submitted a bill to make it so Arnold could become president. And he was not alone in his support. I also recall right wingers rejoicing that now the Terminator would straighten out California.
you forget how Orrin Hatch submitted a bill to make it so Arnold could become president. And he was not alone in his support. I also recall right wingers rejoicing that now the Terminator would straighten out California.

You mean a couple of random right-wingers on an internet message board? Arnold was a pro-choice, pro-environment socially liberal Republican who was never a darling of right-wingers.
Johnson served part of two terms so did Nixon.

But thanks for trying to bailout Rocket guy.

LOL, I don't give two shits about Rocketguy. I'm sorry if you can't see the difference between someone being elected for President twice and someone who was elected for President once.
You mean a couple of random right-wingers on an internet message board? Arnold was a pro-choice, pro-environment socially liberal Republican who was never a darling of right-wingers.

Yep those internet guys Orrin Hatch and others. :D

A constitutional amendment, proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is called the Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment.

Unofficially, it is the Arnold bill. Or more correctly, the "Awnald" bill, as in Arnold Schwarzenegger, the box office terminator and reigning governor of California.

"Please don't call it the Arnold bill. It's not the Arnold bill," pleaded Margarita Tapia, spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But to insiders and out, the bill is about Arnold, whose charisma electrified GOP conventiongoers in New York City this summer but who is ineligible to run for president because he was born in Austria. And he personified a quirk in the U.S. Constitution that he is eligible to aspire to any office in the land — except president.
Yep those internet guys Orrin Hatch and others. :D

A constitutional amendment, proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is called the Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment.

Unofficially, it is the Arnold bill. Or more correctly, the "Awnald" bill, as in Arnold Schwarzenegger, the box office terminator and reigning governor of California.

"Please don't call it the Arnold bill. It's not the Arnold bill," pleaded Margarita Tapia, spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But to insiders and out, the bill is about Arnold, whose charisma electrified GOP conventiongoers in New York City this summer but who is ineligible to run for president because he was born in Austria. And he personified a quirk in the U.S. Constitution that he is eligible to aspire to any office in the land — except president.

USC, now you know that Republicans have terrible memory troubles. It's a condition and we can't make fun of it. It's called "who am i? where am i? how did i get there? do you know me?-itis". And it can be very serious!
its a condition brought on by a sliding moral scale.

their morals are anchored to nothing so they slip arround all over the place which is deadly to remembering history correctly.

That is why they seek to rewrite history all the time
Yep those internet guys Orrin Hatch and others. :D

A constitutional amendment, proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is called the Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment.

Unofficially, it is the Arnold bill. Or more correctly, the "Awnald" bill, as in Arnold Schwarzenegger, the box office terminator and reigning governor of California.

"Please don't call it the Arnold bill. It's not the Arnold bill," pleaded Margarita Tapia, spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But to insiders and out, the bill is about Arnold, whose charisma electrified GOP conventiongoers in New York City this summer but who is ineligible to run for president because he was born in Austria. And he personified a quirk in the U.S. Constitution that he is eligible to aspire to any office in the land — except president.

Ok, now we're going to get into semantics. Usually the left likes to differentiate between Republicans and right-wingers aka wingnuts. Now some on the left believe every Republican is a right-wing wingnut but we'll leave them out for now. Wingnuts, or today's tea party as you may call them, never liked or loved Arnold. Now sure how that is difficult to understand especially considering all the shit talking you do on them. Yes I am well aware Arnold created lots of excitement within some of the mainstream of the Republican Party with his election. That's not the right-wing you were referring to.
It's going to be interesting to see if our former Gov. Lisp finally comes on in favor of gay marriage (other than to a beard).
With the radical right's extreme corporate sponsored ideology of today, Eisenhower would be considered a progressive liberal. He'd be hated by you wingnuts and teabaggers. Take a little time and study what he was all about and you'll find that he warned us about what he called the 'military industrial complex' that you nutbag righties love so much.

I think we'll see more moderate conservatives understand that their party must adapt or die.