Charlie Sheen came Dangerously Close to Redeeming Himself

What anti-Semitic vitriol? The most I read is he mentioned that dudes name is Chaim. That's hardly Mel Gibson level vitriol.

I may be wrong and he's really dipped into some anti-Jew rhetoric, but with the information I have the whole anti-Semitic thing seems way overblown. "Charlie's" name is Carlos Estevez. Does it mean I am anti-Hispanic because I mentioned that?

Now he is a womanizer, and he has beat up at least one, he is a drug addict... there's definitely enough negatives to fill the pot without exaggerating saying a name into anti-Semitism.

Yeah, Damo! I say let's try and blow some of the stank off of him and maybe then he'll have 2 million more Twitter followers by Monday, eh?

This man is a beaut! A perfect example of spouse and fatherhood.

Notice how you don't hear a damn thing about his relationship with his two daughters? What a model for those two he is!

The man is a piece of shit.
Right, he accidently shot her...and right afterwards she ended their engagement. I suspect it highly likely she coverd it up for him~

Maybe she thought he was being reckless, and it just tipped the scales. I seriously doubt she covered for him intentionally shooting her.
Yeah, Damo! I say let's try and blow some of the stank off of him and maybe then he'll have 2 million more Twitter followers by Monday, eh?

This man is a beaut! A perfect example of spouse and fatherhood.

Notice how you don't hear a damn thing about his relationship with his two daughters? What a model for those two he is!

The man is a piece of shit.
There's enough stank there to talk about without inventing stank. Is there something other than mentioning the dude's name to suggest he is anti-Semitic? Because the mentioning the name thing isn't working to add more stench to an already stinky pile. It's like scattering peanuts on a turd to try and make it more turd-like.
Yeah, Damo! I say let's try and blow some of the stank off of him and maybe then he'll have 2 million more Twitter followers by Monday, eh?

As the chronology of the posts show, he's become a liberal hero and we should all worship him.

This man is a beaut! A perfect example of spouse and fatherhood.

His children have been taken away and his wife has left, Winner!

Notice how you don't hear a damn thing about his relationship with his two daughters? What a model for those two he is!

Well as the chronology of the posts shows he's hired two hookers to be models for them.

The man is a piece of shit.

As the chronology of the posts show I still haven't added anything to a conversation since I've signed up except reports on chronology that make no sense!
What anti-Semitic vitriol? The most I read is he mentioned that dudes name is Chaim. That's hardly Mel Gibson level vitriol.

I may be wrong and he's really dipped into some anti-Jew rhetoric, but with the information I have the whole anti-Semitic thing seems way overblown. "Charlie's" name is Carlos Estevez. Does it mean I am anti-Hispanic because I mentioned that?

Now he is a womanizer, and he has beat up at least one, he is a drug addict... there's definitely enough negatives to fill the pot without exaggerating saying a name into anti-Semitism.

I don't what Chuck Lorre is like as a person, probably a egotistical monster like many in Hollywood but he has been responsible for some exceptional comedies. My personal favourite is the Big Bang Theory, I have a sneaking suspicion that the character Sheldon is a little like our very own Grind.

As for Two and a Half Men, it seems to me that the male characters are the ones portrayed as weak and gormless whilst the women are mostly the strong characters.
There's enough stank there to talk about without inventing stank. Is there something other than mentioning the dude's name to suggest he is anti-Semitic? Because the mentioning the name thing isn't working to add more stench to an already stinky pile. It's like scattering peanuts on a turd to try and make it more turd-like.

The reality is if it were someone that even had a whiff of being conservative and had done the things to women that this POS has done, even suggested an anti-semitic slur, the hand-wringing, sobbing liberals on this board would be shrieking to high heavens.

The hypocrisy that they allow this kind of disease in the middle of them, even give their tacit approval with their silence while he beats on women, endangers his children with the stuff he's doing out of the public eye, and the example he sets for all those young people that watch Two and a Half Men is just sickening. At every turn this POS is given the pass while the collateral damage for his stinking life is all around him.

He was being INTENTIONALLY provocative by uttering his name with the full blown Jewish affectation and the follow up slams to him underscored it. To suggest he was simply "mentioning his name" is baloney.
Jesus Christ, why did this have to turn into a thread of whiny conservatives sobbing imagining that their rights being infringed on?

Yes, Gibsons conservatism does add to our (the elite's) dislike of him. You're horrible people with disgusting beliefs. Of course we're going to treat you unfairly.
Jesus Christ, why did this have to turn into a thread of whiny conservatives sobbing imagining that their rights being infringed on?

Yes, Gibsons conservatism does add to our (the elite's) dislike of him. You're horrible people with disgusting beliefs. Of course we're going to treat you unfairly.
I agree, but I love Mel.
The reality is if it were someone that even had a whiff of being conservative and had done the things to women that this POS has done, even suggested an anti-semitic slur, the hand-wringing, sobbing liberals on this board would be shrieking to high heavens.

The hypocrisy that they allow this kind of disease in the middle of them, even give their tacit approval with their silence while he beats on women, endangers his children with the stuff he's doing out of the public eye, and the example he sets for all those young people that watch Two and a Half Men is just sickening. At every turn this POS is given the pass while the collateral damage for his stinking life is all around him.

He was being INTENTIONALLY provocative by uttering his name with the full blown Jewish affectation and the follow up slams to him underscored it. To suggest he was simply "mentioning his name" is baloney.
That's true. Is Charlie a Liberal? I actually don't know. He sounds very Libertarian to me.

I think you have to reach to put him at "anti-Semite" and I'd put him more in the category of "anti-Chaim" who seemed to be trying to tell ol' Carlos how to live.

I doubt that Charlie has anything against Jewish people. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like the writer dude, whatever his name is.

I remember thinking when I heard the interview, "What? You go by a stage name too, what is your point?"

Look, let's go with the stuff you don't have to read "thoughts" into his head to prove. He's an addict who hasn't gone through a full rehab and believes he's kicked the habit because he's now on "Charlie Sheen", he hires hookers and tears up hotel rooms while his kids are in the next room, he lives with two gold-diggers he calls "goddesses", he beats up women and has even shot one.

There's enough to talk about without trying to convince everybody that calling a dude by his name is the same thing as true anti-Semitism. He doesn't like the dude, I have seen no evidence that he doesn't like every Jew out there.
What anti-Semitic vitriol? The most I read is he mentioned that dudes name is Chaim. That's hardly Mel Gibson level vitriol.

I may be wrong and he's really dipped into some anti-Jew rhetoric, but with the information I have the whole anti-Semitic thing seems way overblown. "Charlie's" name is Carlos Estevez. Does it mean I am anti-Hispanic because I mentioned that?

Now he is a womanizer, and he has beat up at least one, he is a drug addict... there's definitely enough negatives to fill the pot without exaggerating saying a name into anti-Semitism.

I am basing my anti semitic comment based on how Mel Gibson DUI incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Mel_Gibson_taken_July-28-2006.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/e/ed/Mel_Gibson_taken_July-28-2006.jpg/220px-Mel_Gibson_taken_July-28-2006.jpg so called anti semitic comments were portrayed- Whether or not either men are truly anti semitic or just bigotted assholes when it suits them is besides the point.


"Charlie Sheen’s smackdown of his former friend Chuck Lorre goes beyond being an insensitive jab. Charlie not only called the Two and a Half Men creator a “turd” and a”maggot” but also continued to call Chuck, “Haim Levine” (or Chaim Levine), an anti-semitic slur."
