Charlottesville can remove the Confederate statues at the center of a 2017 White nati

No? Then explain how your reply to me apply to me.

You regard the objection to the destruction/removal of irreplaceable public art as "screeching from the right."

That's like roasting weenies at a book burning; worse actually.

Indefensibly ignorant.

You're better.

(I think.)
You regard the objection to the destruction/removal of irreplaceable public art as "screeching from the right."

That's like roasting weenies at a book burning; worse actually.

Indefensibly ignorant.

You're better.

(I think.)

Oh perhaps I should have explained it better.

Do you remember Piss Christ? I am sure you can still hear the screeching.
Oh perhaps I should have explained it better.

Do you remember Piss Christ? I am sure you can still hear the screeching.


Yup. Yes.

It would be interesting to hear whether conservatives feel that work of art (a photographic print I think) should be destroyed; if they feel it should, I would condemn this vigorously as well.

Yup. Yes.

It would be interesting to hear whether conservatives feel that work of art (a photographic print I think) should be destroyed; if they feel it should, I would condemn this vigorously as well.

Good. That's my point. It's always left this, left that.

Ancient statues have been destroyed as well in other countries.
I proven you guys are meth addicted I proven your low IQ I proven your cognitive issues and we've proven your lack of education

You've proven you couldn't pass a Ms. Brooks English pop quiz. That's for sure.

I was watching this 1 episode, and she rattled off everything you need to know for English up to 12th grade in under 2 minutes or less.

It's damn impressive. Idk if a teacher or writer wrote that, but it was absolutely kickass!