Cheap ,safe Cancer Cure

In a fiscal sense this would be very bad for our country. Less people dying would mean much more burden on SS and medicare.
Truth is truth Ornot, whether pleasant or not and should be considered in decisions.
I don't believe in ghosts, send em on, I would like to see one.
Truth is truth but we have traditionally and, I think, correctly relegated such concerns to secondary status when looking at medical advances. I don't believe we've gotten to the point where we need to change that outlook. Not yet.

To put it another way, it's not about making people live longer. It's about relieving suffering.
Well I have known several Cancer victims and current treatments do not seem to be concerned overly with relieving suffering, just prolonging life.
The treatments often cause more suffering than the disease.
I lean a bit more towards dying with dignity than some of the miserable lingering deaths I have observed.
Well I have known several Cancer victims and current treatments do not seem to be concerned overly with relieving suffering, just prolonging life.
The treatments often cause more suffering than the disease.
I lean a bit more towards dying with dignity than some of the miserable lingering deaths I have observed.
That's exactly the point. This, if it pans out -- still a HUGE "if" -- might be a genuine cure.