
Here’s the Ventura investigation about 911.

Where’s the ”WHACK-JOB” part?????

Only a lunatic could ask such a stupid question viewing any of this conspiracy nonsense.

Here's a clue for morons like you:

(1) The first question is why would our Government plot to murder thousands and fly hijacked airliners into buildings? What would be the purpose or motive? This is the only pertinent foible to the claims that this could have been an inside job; it requires such an extreme lunatic pont of view as to make it preposterous and painfully stupid.

(2) In order to support such a moronic theory, hundreds, if not thousands, of Government employees from hundreds of agencies would have to have been complicit and in on the conspiracy. The likelihood of which requires a special level of lunatic and stupidity to believe would be possible.

(3) The moronic nonsense about bombings going upwards requires a special clueless level of ignorance or willing ignorance. Timing explosive devices with the impact of the airliners? Too stupid for prime time.

Here's a great link that explains how highly flammable fuel in an airliner weakened the structural members of these towers and the resulting collapse of subsequent floors.

The same can be said for the absurdly stupid claims that our Government is spraying chemicals on us from airplanes for no other reason than to kill us; reasons only a lunatic can erupt with.

Read, become informed instead of being a clueless fool like your buddy Ventura.
Moron, where in there do you see a mention of Ventura?

I don't know what his views on chem trails are but I would guess it's something stupid. The guy is whacko or he is exploiting whackos.

I would argue that he is duping gullible dunces; like Classic here who thinks that he can have an original thought. ;)
Only a lunatic could ask such a stupid question viewing any of this conspiracy nonsense.

Here's a clue for morons like you:

(1) The first question is why would our Government plot to murder thousands and fly hijacked airliners into buildings? What would be the purpose or motive? This is the only pertinent foible to the claims that this could have been an inside job; it requires such an extreme lunatic pont of view as to make it preposterous and painfully stupid.

So you didn’t watch the whole video, or if you did, you’re attempting to claim particular claims were made that were never made. Nobody ever said that there was a “government plot to murder thousands.” Only the POSSIBILITY of a government false flag was discussed.

Since you failed to read the following the first time, I’ll present it to you again. Here’s a once upon a time conspiracy theory about your precious BIG government that was later determined to be indisputably true.

Unethical human experimentation in the United States
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This article is about U.S. medical experiments that are alleged to be unethical, non-consensual, or illegal. For the consensual, ethical, and legal use of human beings in medical research, see Human subject research.
Particularly in the 20th century, there have been numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects.

The experiments include: the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities or prisoners.

Funding for many of the experiments was provided by United States government, especially the United States military, Central Intelligence Agency, or private corporations involved with military activities. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.

So Goober, were the black boxes of 911 ever found? Is there good evidence that they were?

Is investigating your BIG fucking government off limits? Does questioning BIG government’s official story about 911 make people “Whack-Jobs?” What if Al Gore were President when 911 happened? How would you view Jesse’s investigation then? What about Barrack Obama’s birth certificate? Does that conspiracy theory hold water with you? Is it real or a phony? Genius.
(2) In order to support such a moronic theory, hundreds, if not thousands, of Government employees from hundreds of agencies would have to have been complicit and in on the conspiracy. The likelihood of which requires a special level of lunatic and stupidity to believe would be possible.

Good argument, but your ignoring the possibility that gross incompetence by government agencies like the FBI and CIA are reasonable motivations for a government cover up. As a matter of fact that’s pretty damn well already known. The black boxes could possibly shed even more light on just how incompetent BIG government investigating and intelligence was. What did the government know and when did they know it and what did they do about it? Or better yet what did the government ignore leading up to 911 and what are the bastards covering up now?

Why would the witnesses lie?
(3) The moronic nonsense about bombings going upwards requires a special clueless level of ignorance or willing ignorance.

So you never saw a bomb blast go upward? What fucking world do you live in?

Timing explosive devices with the impact of the airliners? Too stupid for prime time.

Unless they were set off by REMOTE CONTROL you fucking idiot!!!!! The hijackers could have pressed that button at impact don’t you think Goober?

All you’re proving idiot is that you have not only a partisan mind but also a totally closed mind and an ignorant, naïve trust in BIG fucking government when it’s BIG government by RINOs, like Bush Cheney. If Al Gore had been the President and Congress had been controlled by Republicans during 911 your fucking tune would sound the exact opposite and Jesse would be a hero instead of a “Whack-Job,” huh Asshole?
The same can be said for the absurdly stupid claims that our Government is spraying chemicals on us for no other reason than to kill us; reasons only a lunatic can erupt with.

Who claimed that Asshole? Again your closed ignorant partisan mind proves the idiot that you are.

Jesse Ventura never claimed the government was trying to kill anybody with spray from above or anywhere else. He simply QUESTIONS your BIG fucking government about chem-trails and says it deserves looking into.
I would argue that he is duping gullible dunces; like Classic here who thinks that he can have an original thought. ;)

On the contrary Goober! I have never been convinced by a single conspiracy theory in my life that wasn't later proven true. The difference between me and fucking idiots like you is that I have an open non-partisan mind and I never put anything past BIG fucking government and I always respect patriots who have the balls to QUESTION BIG fucking government unlike y'all BIG government shills, sheeple, drones, and disciples.
There is no burden on me to prove the negative. Jesse is whacko, like you.

I know! Lying bastards never feel a burden to prove or even present any rational evidence of their biased partisan fucking insinuations and lies. They always like you choose to prove they're fucking clueless morons.
Moron, where in there do you see a mention of Ventura?

I don't know what his views on chem trails are but I would guess it's something stupid. The guy is whacko or he is exploiting whackos.

Perfect Asshole!!!!! You admit you haven't a fucking clue, then prove you lied with your next breath. You are a pure waste of breathing air, huh douche-bag???????
I know! Lying bastards never feel a burden to prove or even present any rational evidence of their biased partisan fucking insinuations and lies. They always like you choose to prove they're fucking clueless morons.

Fuck off, whacko. You're asking me to prove a negative because like most conspiratards you don't understand when and where the burden of proof lies.
Perfect Asshole!!!!! You admit you haven't a fucking clue, then prove you lied with your next breath. You are a pure waste of breathing air, huh douche-bag???????

I did not lie, you fucking moron. You did. I pointed out that I never made a claim about Jesse Ventura's views on chem trails.
Fuck off, whacko. You're asking me to prove a negative because like most conspiratards you don't understand when and where the burden of proof lies.

Rational, honest and non-partisan folks know the BURDEN OF PROOF that somebody is a "WHACK-JOB" is the BURDEN of the ACCUSER you Numb-Nuts/Clueless/Douche-Bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!