Cheney Admits US Waterboards and Tortures Detainees!!!


Senior Member
Here is the "Dick" Cheney himself confirming that not only has the US used waterboarding as an interrogation method but he also brags about how successful the technique has been in uncovering terrorist plots against America. I wonder if they waterboarded those kids in Florida. I get they could have really gotten some great intelligence out of them if they had waterboarded them. I hear self-styled teenage terrorists with no weapons, no plan, no money, no shoes and no brains really crack quickly when waterboarded.

Cheney Confirms Use of Illegal Interrogation Method
Originally published October 26, 2006

WASHINGTON--Vice President Dick Cheney has confirmed that U.S. interrogators subjected captured senior al-Qaida suspects to a controversial interrogation technique called "water-boarding," which creates a sensation of drowning.

Cheney indicated that the Bush administration doesn't regard water-boarding as torture and allows the CIA to use it. "It's a no-brainer for me," Cheney said at one point in an interview.

Cheney's comments, in a White House interview Tuesday with a conservative radio talk show host, appeared to reflect the Bush administration's view that the president has the constitutional power to do whatever he deems necessary to fight terrorism.

The U.S. Army, senior Republican lawmakers, human rights experts and many experts on the laws of war, however, consider water-boarding cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment that's banned by U.S. law and by international treaties that prohibit torture. Some intelligence professionals argue that it often provides false or misleading information because many subjects will tell their interrogators what they think they want to hear to make the water-boarding stop.

Republican Sens. John W. Warner of Virginia, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have said that a law Bush signed last month prohibits water-boarding. The three are the sponsors of the Military Commissions Act, which authorized the administration to continue its interrogations of enemy combatants.

Graham, a military lawyer who serves in the Air Force Reserve, reaffirmed that view in an interview last week with McClatchy Newspapers.

"Water-boarding, in my opinion, would cause extreme physical and psychological pain and suffering, and it very much could run afoul of the War Crimes Act," he said, referring to a 1996 law. "It could very much open people up to prosecution under the War Crimes Act, as well as be a violation of the Detainees Treatment Act."

A revised U.S. Army Field Manual published last month bans water-boarding as "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment."

"There is a disconnect between the president and the vice president, and on the other side leading proponents from their own party and leading experts on the laws of war," said Neal Sonnett, the chairman of the American Bar Association's Task Force on Enemy Combatants.

Lee Ann McBride, a spokeswoman for Cheney, denied that Cheney had confirmed that U.S. interrogators used water-boarding or endorsed the technique.

"What the vice president was referring to was an interrogation program without torture," she said. "The vice president never goes into what may or may not be techniques or methods of questioning."

Full Cheney Confessional

Hear It For Yourself:

Another Version With Link to Live Radio Interview
I can't wait until the House of Representatives changes hands and the Investigations begin. I can't wait to see Cheney under oath. I want all these bastards to be sworn in and have to testify under oath. And I mean all of them.

"Dancing In The Streets"

Martha and The Vandellas
I can't wait until the House of Representatives changes hands and the Investigations begin. I can't wait to see Cheney under oath. I want all these bastards to be sworn in and have to testify under oath. And I mean all of them.

"Dancing In The Streets"

Martha and The Vandellas

I hope that happens. Dont celebrate too early, there is plenty of time between today and Nov. 7th and I dont hold a lot of faith in the Ameircan people.
I hope that happens. Dont celebrate too early, there is plenty of time between today and Nov. 7th and I dont hold a lot of faith in the Ameircan people.

I know, my fingers are crossed, but things do seem to be changing. The Democrats have begun to get serious for once. Have you seen the new commercial they have out? I saw it this morning on CSpan. It has statistics from the war in Iraq juxtaposed with Bush saying "stay the course" over and over in different venues over the years and at the climax he is saying "We've never been stay the course." Then the commercial ends with a statement about lies and liars and why they shouldn't be allowed to run this country. It's one of the most powerful Dem commercials ever.
I know, my fingers are crossed, but things do seem to be changing. The Democrats have begun to get serious for once. Have you seen the new commercial they have out? I saw it this morning on CSpan. It has statistics from the war in Iraq juxtaposed with Bush saying "stay the course" over and over in different venues over the years and at the climax he is saying "We've never been stay the course." Then the commercial ends with a statement about lies and liars and why they shouldn't be allowed to run this country. It's one of the most powerful Dem commercials ever.

No, Id love to see it, is it on the internet?
No, Id love to see it, is it on the internet?
I don't know. I think they said that it would start running in major markets either tomorrow or this weekend. I haven't tried to find in on the net. It might be at the Democrats website. I think they said it was being run by the Party. It was previewed on the morning call-in show.

Maybe tomorrow he will hold a press conference where he will say he has never been for cutting taxes!

Maybe tomorrow he will hold a press conference where he will say he has never been for cutting taxes!
Or maybe we will hear Bush say he does not support nation building. Oh wait he already did that...
I don’t support Nation Building

It’s an absolute certainty Iraq has WMD

Axis of evil

Mission accomplished

There was a significant relationship between Al Queda and Saddam Hussein

Stay the course

I’ve never been stay the course

You are either with us or against us

Leaving Iraq is a decision for future presidents to make
I would rather give terrorist the waterboard than give them citizenship that the liberals want to do.