Cheney Admits US Waterboards and Tortures Detainees!!!

it is bad when you can't tell the difference in a liberal and a terrorist, they both sound the same.
it is bad when you can't tell the difference in a liberal and a terrorist, they both sound the same.

Damo, this is what I was talking about the other day. Its this type of responce from Conservatives that I was refering to.

You see, if you point out lies and inconsistancies in Bush's policies they call you a terrorist.
Damo, this is what I was talking about the other day. Its this type of responce from Conservatives that I was refering to.

You see, if you point out lies and inconsistancies in Bush's policies they call you a terrorist.
And my point was it has no bite. If it were really "if you don't think this way you are a terrorist" you wouldn't be posting on this site, you'd be in GITMO being waterboarded.

What somebody says hasn't realistically effected what another has said, worrying about what they call you is simply worry.

It's like anybody who wants the borders closed must be a "racist"... People use them to end conversations, but they are rarely accurate.
And my point was it has no bite. If it were really "if you don't think this way you are a terrorist" you wouldn't be posting on this site, you'd be in GITMO being waterboarded.

What somebody says hasn't realistically effected what another has said, worrying about what they call you is simply worry.

It's like anybody who wants the borders closed must be a "racist"... People use them to end conversations, but they are rarely accurate.

I dont worry about it, I just point out that Conservatives do it, a LOT, less now than just after 9-11. To me it just shows an acknoligement that you are wrong and cant defend your silly position.
And my point was it has no bite. If it were really "if you don't think this way you are a terrorist" you wouldn't be posting on this site, you'd be in GITMO being waterboarded.

What somebody says hasn't realistically effected what another has said, worrying about what they call you is simply worry.

It's like anybody who wants the borders closed must be a "racist"... People use them to end conversations, but they are rarely accurate.

Its a slippery slope and dangerous to even start down that path! Its particularly unAmerican!
What a whiney Jarod complaining to the board that he is attacked! What a pussy. Grow some balls Jarod. defend yourself if you can. You can't even read and understand the post. I didn't call you a terrorist, I said libs sound just like the terrorist. If the shoe fits..............
Jarod lies, like the topic of this very post. Cheney did not support torture, in fact he said just the opposite. So who lies?
I would rather give terrorist the waterboard than give them citizenship that the liberals want to do.

Which liberals specifically want to give the Terrorists citizenship toby? Please name them or give a site or link for that claim. will soon learn that toby is a man - and I use that term in its most generic genetic sense - who never really adds anything to conversations. I have him on ignore and it really makes this a nicer place when I do not have to weed through his slanderous perverse shit in order to arrive at the pertinent content in any thread. will soon learn that toby is a man - and I use that term in its most generic genetic sense - who never really adds anything to conversations. I have him on ignore and it really makes this a nicer place when I do not have to weed through his slanderous perverse shit in order to arrive at the pertinent content in any thread.

I notice that many of his threads go unanswered until he starts answering himself. That's never a good sign...