Cheney has another expensive blood clot


...let's send the bill to Darla! Well, f you.

He had six hours of surgery on his legs in 2005 to repair a kind of aneurysm, a ballooning weak spot in an artery that can burst if left untreated. He has had four heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, two artery-clearing angioplasties and an operation to implant a special pacemaker in his chest.

Without the best medical care available in the world, this guy would be six feet under, and long ago. I really question the values of a society that reserves its best care for a POS like this, while others are allowed to die.

And you know, we paid for this. So you might not want to pay for universal health care, but I don't want to pay to keep this piece of shit alive, and I ask, why does what you want to do with your tax dollars, hold more validity than what I want to do with mine?

If it were up to me, I'd say, pull the plug already man.

WASHINGTON — Vice President Dick Cheney was taken to his doctor's office Tuesday for a checkup of the blood clot in his left leg, a spokeswoman said.

On March 5, doctors discovered that Cheney had a clot, called a deep venous thrombosis, in his left lower leg. "He's going to get his leg checked out," spokeswoman Megan McGinn said.

The 66-year-old Cheney has a history of heart problems. Blood clots that form deep in the legs can become killers if they break off and float into the lungs. This is called a pulmonary embolism. Deep vein thrombosis strikes an estimated 2 million Americans each year, killing 60,000.

Cheney's doctor's office is located at the George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates near George Washington University Hospital.

Cheney went to the hospital on March 20 after experiencing discomfort in his left lower leg. McGinn said then that the ultrasound revealed no extension or complication of his clot and that his blood thinning medication was therapeutic.

Cheney has had had a number of heart-related problems over the years.

He had six hours of surgery on his legs in 2005 to repair a kind of aneurysm, a ballooning weak spot in an artery that can burst if left untreated. He has had four heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, two artery-clearing angioplasties and an operation to implant a special pacemaker in his chest.
I thought Howard Dean's idea to allow americans to buy into the same insurance plan that congressmen/women get, had merit.
I thought Howard Dean's idea to allow americans to buy into the same insurance plan that congressmen/women get, had merit.

I think they should be on the same plan as medicare.
Let them live in the world they make. If they are of the proper age they get medicare.
No shortage of low class hate speach here.
that should help Hillary in the polls a bunch.
Or is that what the cons are best at.:pke:
Don't get upset Top. I was speaking only of Cheney. I wouldn't pull the plug on you even at taxpayer expense. You are so sensitive.
I don't like hate speach even when directed at the opposition.
Throw the bumbs out, but don't wish them dead.
Everyone can't be classy though.
I don't like hate speach even when directed at the opposition.
Throw the bumbs out, but don't wish them dead.
Everyone can't be classy though.

I wasn't suggesting that he be killed. I'm just saying, I've heard that bird shot to the face can cure clots. Isn't that what he was doing when he shot his friend? Trying to help him out?
sometimes you can take a person out of the trailor park but you still can't remove the trashy upbringing.
sometimes you can take a person out of the trailor park but you still can't remove the trashy upbringing.

Well Top, this is my thread, and I am the one who originally said "pull the plug already". And anytime you want to compare "upbringings" let's do that.

The man is a monster.
I was referring mainly to you but LT is bringing the hate to.
I could give two shits about your upbringing.
I was prob poorer than a most posters.
I talking about Class not wealth.
Both of you are lacking
I was referring mainly to you but LT is bringing the hate to.
I could give two shits about your upbringing.
I was prob poorer than a most posters.
I talking about Class not wealth.
Both of you are lacking

you can take a person out of the trailor park but you still can't remove the trashy upbringing.

That's what you said. So don't try and change your story now.

I was brought up to call a murderer a murderer, and it didn't matter what their social standing was. That is what cheney is, and I don't like my tax dollars to pay for keeping him alive. He has spent his life ensuring that his fucking tax dollars would never go to keeping ME alive.

got that Top? Now shove your false outrage.
I don't like hate speach even when directed at the opposition.
Throw the bumbs out, but don't wish them dead.
Everyone can't be classy though.

I view the bush and cheny group as having a growing cancer for 7 years. Who would wish to keep it ? Or not wish it to die ?
I'm supporting the opposition based on differnce in policy.
Not hate speach and simpleton insults like you gravitate to USC.
I'm used to winning, you guy's aren't.
Duhla, nice one he differs from you now he's a murderer.
LOL what junior college did you go to again?