Cheney has another expensive blood clot

difference in policy , a policy of a war based on lies ?
Yeah at what point does policy become criminal and evil ?
A child molester has a policy too....

What can one expect from a closet Bushie though ?
I can expect educated responses from an uneducated person.
Nothing criminal at all.
Just time to throw them out.
And time for the moderat dems to shut down the freaktards.
Duhla, nice one he differs from you now he's a murderer.
LOL what junior college did you go to again?

Can you really be this stupid? You honestly believe that one of the main architects of the Iraqi war, and probably the person most responsible for it taking place, is not answerable, morally, for the deaths it caused?

You must be as morally corrupt as he is if you can honestly believe that. I harbor no such delusions. Yes, the man is a murderer. Guess what Top? If you are in a room when a murder is being planned,and you don't report it, you can, and sometimes will, go to prison for 25 years for conspiracy. You didn't pull the trigger? Doesn't matter.

You're guilty.
I can expect educated responses from an uneducated person.
Nothing criminal at all.
Just time to throw them out.
And time for the moderat dems to shut down the freaktards.

Well, if you want to shut me down, you better get some back up. Because you're in over your head boy.
Is Spin trying to imply that moderate dems do not despise Cheny as well ?
And several Republicans despise him as well.

Isn't it usual for the VP to at least be considered for a presidential run ?
Again Duhla,
I'm am more against the war than anyone.
That said I don't go along with the UNEDUCATED position of murder.
Most of the country post 911 was for the war including most of your beloved dems. Maybe if you went to a real school you'd be able to get the big picture.
Again Duhla,
I'm am more against the war than anyone.
That said I don't go along with the UNEDUCATED position of murder.
Most of the country post 911 was for the war including most of your beloved dems. Maybe if you went to a real school you'd be able to get the big picture.

I don't give a shit what most of the country was for. That in no way negates the moral responsibility for the deaths that have occurred. And the man most responsible, behind the scenes, is Cheney. You can dance all you want top, but to me he will never be anything more than a dirty murderer. I have no doubt that somewhere deep inside you believe that rich people can't be murderers.

Not that this has anything to do with education, it does not, but what on earth gives you the idea that you know where I attended college? Are you out of your mind?
Again Duhla,
I'm am more against the war than anyone.
That said I don't go along with the UNEDUCATED position of murder.
Most of the country post 911 was for the war including most of your beloved dems. Maybe if you went to a real school you'd be able to get the big picture.

Most of the country is pretty stupid, and many of them had degrees. I remember well on the other board :D
just a hunch but like the non degreed USC ranting against education, something tells me you got yours but it was little better than a mail in.
Otherwise you would be such trailor trash on many things.:clink:
I rant agains education ? Still spinning I see spinner.

I only rant against elitist leaning degreed types that think if everyone had degrees there would be no poor.
just a hunch but like the non degreed USC ranting against education, something tells me you got yours but it was little better than a mail in.
Otherwise you would be such trailor trash on many things.:clink:

Whatever you need to believe to make it through the day Top.