T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Dude, you see Trump as the solution to your perceived problem of "the Progressive Left". Red Scare time just like back in the Tail Gunner Joe days. LOL
Do you agree Trump should have been removed from office? IMO, our nation would have been far better off if Trump resigned in his first year and let Pence both run the office and win reelection. Thoughts?
No, I don't see Trump as a solution to anything. The man's a troll. He's far to polarizing to be a national figure.
I see the problem as the Progressive Left--PERIOD. I have had that view now for over 40 years. I first saw it at university while attending. The Progressive Left are angry, stupid, idiots and morons, who think they know better how to run your life than you do. They are utterly dangerous and oblivious to their own recklessness and stupidity.
Biden has become one of them. Whether it is him, or it is his staff manipulating him, he is now a Progressive Leftist and so is his administration. He is dragging the country down like nobody's business.
Trump is, as I've said, a total asshole and dislikable, but he didn't drag the country down in foreign policy, economic policy, immigration policy, or anything else. Biden has failed on every one of those and not just marginally but totally.
I didn't like Trump when he ran and my vote for him was against the Hildabeast, who was clearly a serial felon, and easily the most evil and mendacious politician to run for President in my memory. Hell, Nixon was a saint compared to the Hildabeast and he was pretty evil. I saw in Biden what was coming, and I always vote against the Progressive Left. I'm no fool, I don't want Fascists and Communists running my government, but here we are, and here they are.