Cheney To Be President?!!??

If Bush had any intelligence, I'm sure he would realize the brilliance of choosing an idiot like Cheney as VP, because as terrible as he may be he's not going to be THAT terrible, and it's just another thing protecting him from impeachment.
If Bush had any intelligence, I'm sure he would realize the brilliance of choosing an idiot like Cheney as VP, because as terrible as he may be he's not going to be THAT terrible, and it's just another thing protecting him from impeachment.

I thought the same about Bush I's choice of Dan Quayle as his own VP -- it seemed an effective way of avoiding any serious attempts at assassination. :rolleyes:
I hope those doctors are Democrats, and give that criminal bush his colonscopy without anethesia or "lubricant".
Look CY, I am a Bush-basher, but you comment however (well deserved) Is cruel and hearless.

Several years ago I had one of those, -without anestesia, and it is very painfull. mine was for Diversiticulosis,(sp) which I assume is the reason Bush is getting one. (pollups, etc) anyway, I had extreme pain as a result of the procedure for at least six monthas after, and I vowed that I would go under the knife (on speculation) before I would undergo it again.

However, since they have already decided to give Chenny the temporary control (as if he doesn't already have it) it is obvious that Bush's procedure will be under anethesia.
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