
When you have to sacrifice your queen, make sure that your opponent's queen will be raped and obliterated.

That's actually what I'm trying to do. I see the queen as a useful defensive piece early but I want her to last longer than the other queen although if she's served her purpose you can win even if the other queen is still alive.
That's actually what I'm trying to do. I see the queen as a useful defensive piece early but I want her to last longer than the other queen although if she's served her purpose you can win even if the other queen is still alive.

Always use pawns, bishops and knights to protect her. Always. When you have to sacrifice your queen, make sure to set a trap for your opponent's queen. It usually works for me.
Wow, just realized chess is a misogynist game. Probably racist too. Can't wait for gayrod to tell us exactly why chess is racist, and supremacist, and homophobic.
Wow, just realized chess is a misogynist game. Probably racist too. Can't wait for gayrod to tell us exactly why chess is racist, and supremacist, and homophobic.

How can chess games be misogynist towards women where the Queens are the most powerful pieces in the game?

Because we were just talking about sacrificing them? No, that can't be it.

Pawns are men that we sacrifice them too easily. Bishops and Knights too. The King is too cowardly to attack anyone. He has to hide behind those people. The Queen has to do everything for the King.
No it's not, it's saying women are property...unless you're into that Bill and Ted shit where chicks are knights.

Holy shit I love that movie.

Some of my best speed chess games I forgot to move my pawns. They were still lined up after I won the game.