chief liar: I would speak under oath on Comey

there has been lots of new evidence........we have no idea what CIA and FBI have uncovered.

I love it when libruls contradict themselves in the same there's lots of new evidence but you haven't a clue what it is? don't you link us to one or two items of "evidence" since November......
we are down to some financial improprieties by some of the campaign guys, but not on behalf of the campaign.
It's manifest there is no "Russian collusion"- no sign of it, and gawd knows that would be leaked.

Basically it's Trump's Obstruction -and thee is no corruption associated with that to make it legal obstruction.
But Mueller is a dangerous guy. SP's can literally indict a ham sandwich, and the prosecutors he's hiring
have abused the notion of Obstructionism before
"I never had sex with that woman" did he say that under oath? I forgot.

Hillary Clinton "said she was under attack (in Bosnia) but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers." Not under oath, I'm sure.

Trump, the jury is still out.

Comey had a lot of "in my understanding", "that's what I thought at the time" moments.

Why not just wait until all the facts come out?
I love it when libruls contradict themselves in the same there's lots of new evidence but you haven't a clue what it is? don't you link us to one or two items of "evidence" since November......
I've found posting the evidence with Trumptards is futile, more investigators are being brought on, they are collecting the evidence, like Kushner and his back channels, so spare me your drama, It's an ongoing investigation that isn't going away anytime soon. I don't know conclusions they will arrive at, but I'm convinced it will be around for awhile.
I've found posting the evidence with Trumptards is futile, nor anyone else has EVER posted any evidence......all you posted is liberal-lemming-lies......purported inside leaks that have always ended up falling short of would think after the tenth or eleventh failure you would be too embarrassed to post anything by now.......and you its just "the investigators will tell us when they're ready to".........get a clue, they got nothing to tell you either....... nor anyone else has EVER posted any evidence......all you posted is liberal-lemming-lies......purported inside leaks that have always ended up falling short of would think after the tenth or eleventh failure you would be too embarrassed to post anything by now.......and you its just "the investigators will tell us when they're ready to".........get a clue, they got nothing to tell you either.......
This just shows your ignorance, not mine. The fact you deny that they aren't collecting evidence is laughable. This also could be evidence that exonerates all of them. The investigation is ongoing, we don't know what it details at this time, but I do know that Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner are persons of interest, as well as Manafort and Page.