China Laughs At America’s Baizou

Jack jacks off to mental delusions

You and Hawkeye should be deported to North Korea and be interned in a Three Generation Work Camp. Maybe Kim can find something useful for you to do. You are a deadweight, an anchor, on America and her Future.
It seems that way.
Woke Elites live in a Fantasy World.
Rainbows and Unicorns.

China lives in Reality.

I don't demonize the word "elite."
The brightest and best are elite, and I'd just as soon have the brightest and best in charge.

Woke is a different thing.
It suggests that we all have a right to never feel uncomfortable or offended, even if our actual rights, liberties, and opportunities are not impaired.

Troglodyte trumpanzees will try to present all progressive liberals as "woke,' but that's a lie.
Who's to the political left of me on this forum if "woke" isn't taken into consideration?
Who on this forum would possible imagine that I was "woke?"
Your source is not credible or reputable. "Global Times" is a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.
You are literally citing the Communist Party of People's Republic of China as your souce.
It's either that, or Putin's RT.

His two main sources.
I keep hoping this is not a case of "it is written" -
but we (or the Prog. Wokes) are determined to hasten our demise.

China knows we are weak and decadent - they sense they are soon the new world order

You and your inbred democrat-hating komrades have demonstrated just how weak America truly is on a world stage.

It seems that way.
Woke Elites live in a Fantasy World.
Rainbows and Unicorns.

China lives in Reality.
The reality that our govt. is broken. No matter how much we cry and stomp our feet, we will never reduce our dependency on cheap Chinese labor.

We had a chance to make a break when they ushered through the billionaire tax giveaway in '17. trump blew it, and now we are stuck with China forever.
Uh, yeah. Soybeans.
You're the guy against Central Planning.
Your types are the ones that are asleep at the wheel.
LMAO @ his claim about 'negotiating'. China has never abided by the terms of their 'negotiations'.

Just like trump.
Gee, that is great for soybean farmers. trump's central planning has been great for soybean farmers. If America was a nation only of soybean farmers, trump would be a great president... trump really hit technology and other American exports hard. You know the 99.999% of Americans that are not soybean farmers.
The ones who haven't committed suicide, or simply lost everything.
China stops being the new world order the moment we decide to default on our debts to them and stop buying their stuff.

That will be bad for us too, but much worse for them.
We saw how they did before open up relations with us.
They saw how we were doing before opening up relations with them.
It's not a fair fight.

Chauvinist Nationalism is not the best path for anybody on either side, nor it is even necessary to be patriotic on either side.
The reality that our govt. is broken. No matter how much we cry and stomp our feet, we will never reduce our dependency on cheap Chinese labor.

We had a chance to make a break when they ushered through the billionaire tax giveaway in '17. trump blew it, and now we are stuck with China forever.

'Cheap Labor' is all over the world.
1.5 Billion Consumers (the Capitalist's Wet Dream) is in China.
soybeans in 2015 $8.63 a bushel........soybeans in Nov 2020 $11.02......

Nobody is denying this has been very good for soybean farmers, and that this will spur America to be a third world soybean farming country rather than a first world innovating country... But that is the problem.
Baizou” is the Chinese word for all the woke brats.

Global Times:

“Baizuo refers to people who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment,” who “have no sense of real problems in the real world,” who only advocate for peace and equality to “satisfy their own feelings of moral superiority” and who are “obsessed with political correctness” that they “tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism,” reads Zhang’s article published in on May 11.

The term baizuo is not limited to referring to the white liberal elites, as former US president Obama was considered as an advocate of baizuo ideology. According to Zhang, the Chinese public mentioned that baizuo first emerged to describe German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than 1 million third-world immigrants to Europe, which infringed upon Chinese people’s right to stay in Europe. Other terms like “holy mothers” have also been invented to ridicule Western politicians who welcome Muslim immigrants and help Islamicize Europe.

On Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer website, the question “why are well-educated elites in the West seen as naïve ‘white left’ in China?” has received more than 400 answers.

One of the users said that baizuo are people “who advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions.” Another Zhihu user wrote that baizuo‘s opinions were so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality.

“Chinese people don’t like the group because they think baizuo always exhibit a sense of superiority and hold a tough attitude towards China,” said Zhu Feng, a professor at Peking University’s School of International Studies.

Some people believe baizuo are phony and hypocritical and will make the situation in the West go from bad to worse, said Zhang Yiwu, a cultural scholar at Peking University. …”

I heard this term years ago in China. It amazed me how accurate it was back then. And if anything has gotten even more correct.

Chinese Military Will Now Be Trained To Shout Pronouns At American Troops

BEIJING—The Chinese military has announced that they will no longer be investing in weapons, tanks, aircraft, or traditional warfare training techniques.

Instead, the People's Liberation Army will simply be trained to shout the wrong pronouns at stumble bum Biden's U.S. soldiers, who will collapse and shake uncontrollably at the advanced maneuver.

"Brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, prepare to launch a pronoun assault!" cried one platoon leader in a training exercise. "Go!"

The Chinese soldiers then began shouting "He/Him!" and "She/Her!" at American soldiers, whom bumbling stumbling Biden had loaned to the Chinese government for the practice session.

They immediately collapsed to the floor. "No!!! I'm a xe/xer; it says so right on my dog tags!" cried one weeping American soldier huddled in the corner in the fetal position, rocking back and forth. "You can't call me the wrong pronoun -- it's literally violence! It's against the Geneva Convention!"

"President Biden will be hearing about this!" he shouted as he ran away.

"See? That's all we need to do to defeat the puny American soldiers," said the sergeant. "We don't even need to fire a shot. We just need to say words they don't like."

A recent computer simulation predicted that using this tactic, the Chinese military would defeat America in approximately seven minutes.

:laugh: @ bungling Biden Baizouo
I heard this term years ago in China. It amazed me how accurate it was back then. And if anything has gotten even more correct.

and it's gotten substantially worse with critical race theory infecting our kids education

I gotta give DeSantis credit -he just banned critical race theory from Florida civics classes
and it's gotten substantially worse with critical race theory infecting our kids education

I gotta give DeSantis credit -he just banned critical race theory from Florida civics classes

Florida is the sanctuary state for smart people.
and it's gotten substantially worse with critical race theory infecting our kids education

I gotta give DeSantis credit -he just banned critical race theory from Florida civics classes

It is not just China. Places like France are laughing and running away from woke liberals in this country. It really is a world wide phenomenon.