China Virus anyone?

In the case of the covid vaccine, hell yes.

you endanger your family by having faith in big pharma and medical totalitarians like fauci.

Fauci was simply the world's expert in infectious diseases. He spoke as an adult and gave the science of Covid as it was learned. You reject him and believe Trump. The problem is you. The epidemiologists know nothing. Right wing news is where you get expert advice about science.
Fauci was simply the world's expert in infectious diseases. He spoke as an adult and gave the science of Covid as it was learned. You reject him and believe Trump. The problem is you. The epidemiologists know nothing. Right wing news is where you get expert advice about science.

You are not living in reality.

Or else you are lying yet again.
In the case of the covid vaccine, hell yes.

you endanger your family by having faith in big pharma and medical totalitarians like fauci.

You believe in conspiracies over medical science. Fauci had no power. he ran a health agency and investigated epidemics. He was the most highly esteemed epidemiologist on the planet until he did not lie for Trump. Trump goes hard after those he cannot control. It is difficult to imagine how much hate he scrambled up for a medical bureaucrat. You fell for it all.
You believe in conspiracies over medical science. Fauci had no power. he ran a health agency and investigated epidemics. He was the most highly esteemed epidemiologist on the planet until he did not lie for Trump. Trump goes hard after those he cannot control. It is difficult to imagine how much hate he scrambled up for a medical bureaucrat. You fell for it all.

Alternate Reality.
Two heads later and there still on vaccinations and Fauci, must be slow day over there in Trumpkinville
I will never forget how vitriolic, vile, rabid, and cruel you libtard fucks were about shoving masks, the jabs, and separation from others down people's throats... and how vitriolic you libtard fucks were towards those who didn't wish to get the jabs... such as forcing people out of their jobs over it... forcing people to die in isolation because of it... harming children's development and mental health over it... driving inflation through the roof because of it... destroying small businesses because of it... wanting to lock "unvaccinated" people up and bar them from society...

There is no forgetting such vitriolic evil.
Glad the Trump virus is gone, but it may be seasonal. Your grandchildren will never forget Trump. Every fall they will fight off the Trump virus.