China Virus follies #5.5


Aren't you scarified by the latest scariant?


One medical professional told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade this, during a recent radio interview: “We’re seeing this massive new wave of fear that is fueling our second pandemic after COVID-19, which is a pandemic of lunacy, which is omicron. Now I call it omg-cold. If you look at the epidemiological data, the epicenter is now way down from omicron,” Marty Makary, a surgical oncologist and chief of the Johns Hopkins Islet Transplant Center, said.

No cause for panic, folks. And certainly no cause for Dr. Death doom and gloom predictions, folks.

One study from the University of Hong Kong found omicron doesn’t seep into the respiratory tract, but rather produces only an illness that’s akin to a cold. Thus, Makary’s characterization of it as “omi-cold.”

But fear is a DEMOCRAT’S best friend. No Fear doesn’t fit the far left’s narrative, or its modus operandi.

It's not clear yet if Omicron is a milder variant. But its rapid spread is certain to overwhelm hospitals, experts say

Those who know what actually has happened in South Africa will wonder about the claims of certain doom.

What happens in the London hospitals over the next week will tell us if SA was an aberration.

And we still need to see if Omicron defeats Delta, SA does not tell us.

Delta was mostly gone before Omicron arrived.

Not so in London.

Or America.
So I noticed a report that now 7 in the UK have died, and are classed OMICRON.

Now is that with OMICRON or is this because of OMICRON?

The brits pull this scam just as the Americans do.
I just got back from a Road Trip to Maple Valley....the parking lots of retail restaurants and drinking establishments are jammed.

Even here in Western Washington it is clear that people are done with COVID FEAR.

The COVID MARTIAL LAW authors have no choice but to reform.