China's GDP up 11.9%

I thought you told us that China was a piss ant country and laughed at it and said to buy oil stocks?

I don't know, you confuse me Topper.
Oh, your serious!!!
Yes I was, that isn't in conflict with me buying China.
We are by far the technology leaders.
Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Cisco, IBM
I have been pointing out for a while that China is growing over 10% and for several years have been telling their citizens that getting rich is good. We all know that up intill that time they called Wester Civ the decadant demons and shunned wealth.
Oh, your serious!!!
Yes I was, that isn't in conflict with me buying China.
We are by far the technology leaders.
Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Cisco, IBM
I have been pointing out for a while that China is growing over 10% and for several years have been telling their citizens that getting rich is good. We all know that up intill that time they called Wester Civ the decadant demons and shunned wealth.

With you buying China? LOL. Top you crack me up.
I know I have an 8th grade if that spelling and grammar useage level. And I'm dorking out telling people what they don't know about economics. LOL
Hey if the grasshoppers don't choose to learn, they get a good chuckle.
Here I had bugun to think spinner was recommending I buy dishes....
I like that Coryell stuff better.

Me Too! Once you buy it, you never have to replace it...I love mine, especially with a grandbaby, she can help me load the dishwasher!
Yes class told ya a while back to buy Chinees stocks.:clink:

China's GDP is constantly going up in the double digits. I mean, whenever you introduce even the base reforms that the government has, it's better than the absolute nothing they had before.

And it still doesn't really necessarily translate to good stocks.
China's GDP is constantly going up in the double digits. I mean, whenever you introduce even the base reforms that the government has, it's better than the absolute nothing they had before.

And it still doesn't really necessarily translate to good stocks.

Even if it's a good stock, We should not be collaborating with totalitarian fascists with no desire to reform their society.
their economy is growing so fast -- -OPs the median college grad in China just past your office depot salary.:clink:
Oh, your serious!!!
Yes I was, that isn't in conflict with me buying China.
We are by far the technology leaders.
Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Cisco, IBM
I have been pointing out for a while that China is growing over 10% and for several years have been telling their citizens that getting rich is good. We all know that up intill that time they called Wester Civ the decadant demons and shunned wealth.

At one time we also were the leading auto manufactuers.

Just as we saw Daimler/Chysler .. we may soon see Nissan/GM and Toyota/Ford.

The Chinese are gaining in technology real fast.
China and India are going to clean our clock, so to speak.
We have already lost the tech edge that made us powerful.
Their labor is much cheaper.
And they are eager whereas we are mostly fat, lazy and spoiled.
lets not bring you back from the dead on the tech issue again.
China is doing great, that's why I invest in them. So are we, so are a lot of countries. Don't forget we sneeze they catch a cold, our economy is still that big.
USC, you need to watch the Jesus phone commercial. Read about microsoft, intel, Cisco.
We not only dominate China but the world in tech. Yes they may assemble it for us but the money is in the design and patents.
lets not bring you back from the dead on the tech issue again.
China is doing great, that's why I invest in them. So are we, so are a lot of countries. Don't forget we sneeze they catch a cold, our economy is still that big.
USC, you need to watch the Jesus phone commercial. Read about microsoft, intel, Cisco.
We not only dominate China but the world in tech. Yes they may assemble it for us but the money is in the design and patents.

"Dominate" is an interesting word .. particularly given that China's imports dominate US trade.

US dominace in technology is fast eroding, particularly in the areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and scientific research.

Additionally, they've increased their global political and economic power, moved into the mideast with a stronger presence and influence, engaged developing nations with a more leveraged quid-pro-quo arrangements than they got from the US, and are buying brand names in the process. Even the US military is buying Chinese technology.

AND, they're able to invest in research and development without wasting vast amount of resources on useless wasted wars.

US advantage in technology companies is not assured to last into the future.