Chinese spies caught on US military base

I'm as sure Trump didn't as I am sure that Clinton sold the Chinese ballistic missile technology.

Or, equally sure Trump didn't sell or give the Russians anything as I am that the Biden Family took bribes in quid pro quo deals with China, Ukraine, Romania, and a certain Russian oligarch or three.

Reductio ad absurdum fallacy.
That linked site is trash ass face

Belt and Road Initiative and RMB internationalization serve global interest: Report​

Updated: Oct 9,2015 9:55 AM Xinhua

The Belt and Road Initiative and internationalization of Renminbi (RMB), the Chinese currency, are two strategies that serve both China’s national and global interests, according to a report released on Oct 8.

The RMB international Report 2015, done by the International Monetary Institute (IMI) of Renmin University of China, said China has been promoting the two important strategies as an emerging country and the world will be benefiting from implementation of the two strategies.

Ben Shenglin, the executive director of IMI, believed China has made good progress with RMB internationalization since 2009 when China first started cross-border RMB trade settlement service on a trial basis.

Belt and Road Initiative is a great undertaking beneficial to all along the line. It also offers a historic golden opportunity for RMB internationalization, he added.

For a start, the Belt and Road Initiative, or the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, were put forward by President Xi Jinping during his overseas visits in 2013.

The routes run through the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, connecting the vibrant East Asia economic circle at one end and developed European economic circle at the other. Under the initiatives, highways, railways and air routes will be established, and Chinese regions will further integrate resources, policies and markets to connect with the outside world.

As the Belt and Road Initiative are executed, the RMB internationalization will facilitate financing of the encompassing countries. It will also deepen regional economic integration, said the report.

Growing foreign trade and Chinese investment, and more Chinese companies going global under the implementation of Belt and Road Initiative will add support for RMB internationalization.
IT is NOT a story MORON these are FACTS.
Trump did have 12 Russians in the W H and a meeting with Putin WITHOUT another American in the room THOSE ARE FACTS. And there is NO way of telling what he did.
Trump can NOT be trusted with any of our classified materiel, let alone secret info.
I trust Trump any day over Kamala Harris or Tim Walz.
I trust Trump any day over Kamala Harris or Tim Walz.
I wouldn't.
Harris or Walz haven't had 12 Russians in the W H WITHOUT another AMERICAN in the room or had a meeting with Putin again WITHOUT another AMERICAN in the room, As it has been brought up ON THIS THREAD just why didn't Trump WANT any other AMERICANS in the room?
People have to ask themselves just WHY would Trump NOT want another AMERICAN in the room taking notes when he is having a meeting with the Russians , Was it because he thought he could SELL them some of our secrets or that He was going to GIVE his bed buddy Putin some of our secrets?
ALL I am trying to do is get YOU LOW IQ MAGA morons to think for ONCE, Could have Trump given or sold the Russians some of our secrets at these meetings?
AS it has been pointed out it is really fishy that NOT too long AFTER Trump had these meetings with Putin and those 12 Russians there was an unexplained increase in the number of our deep cover agents being FOUND and some KILLED .
It might just be a coincidence and it may be a 1 in 100000000 chance he did tell them something but it is a LOT larger chance then what Harris / Walz have done.
Trump is known for doing things like this SO I would NOT put ANYTHING past the low life scumbag MOTHER FUCKER.
Have a nice day