Truck Fump / h1b
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asshat you have to be the biggest clown on the site, right next to canadian kid.
You keep saying that, yet I keep beating your ignorant ass.
asshat you have to be the biggest clown on the site, right next to canadian kid.
I won't say your borderline retarded on economics that's asshat. Your not even up to first year college level. The only ones close to me on this site are freak, chap, obfuscate, dano, and cawacko.
your rich, but your not educated in economics or sophisticated debate.
usged, your bowling alley discourse I'm expensive country club.
asshatsecondrateprogrammer, I was born lower middle class and worked my way up you yuppy loser tool. there is nothing elitist about me. I'm a turbo-lib who happens to be a way above average invester / earner.
I'm cooler than the other side of the pillow you loser. Your the asswhole, I'm constantly positive your constantly negative. Who's the asswhole you second rate out of date software programmer.
I would on the other hand like to meet AHZ, SF, Desh, cypress and MOST of the posters on here. A few more than others of course.
I was actually gonna ask you if you needed a field hand on the homestead.
LOL, nope I don't think you would like it here very much anyway.
I will probably do well to keep all my people working anyway.
Nope I am east of Lexington in the edge of the hills where rednecks abound.