Chivalry is dead: Man jumps out of way, leaving girlfriend to be hit in face by ball

I don't think he was thinking "Oh, man, I'm in the way of this baseball, and even though it'll hit my girlfriend, I'm going to jump out of its way!" It's an extremely unlikely set of circumstances, that she'll be standing around in the exact location, while not looking, to be hit by the baseball.
1) What a wuss.
2) Do you have any idea how bad catching a ball barehanded hurts?
3) He coulda just moved her too.
4) Maybe he thought she wouldn't feel the pain after she fell unconcious from a 3rd degree concussion.
Have you ever played baseball? No, just watched it on television?

It is not so easy to catch a ball flying over a huge distance, especially with your bare hands.

That happens all the time in cricket, usually only the wicketkeeper wears gloves. Here is a spectator using only one hand because he didn't want to waste his iced coffee.

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I don't think he was thinking "Oh, man, I'm in the way of this baseball, and even though it'll hit my girlfriend, I'm going to jump out of its way!" It's an extremely unlikely set of circumstances, that she'll be standing around in the exact location, while not looking, to be hit by the baseball.

True. Imagine if it had been a bullet.

I guess you are right but this is not exactly going to bring the women running to his door.
Chivalry is dead: Man jumps out of way, leaving girlfriend to be hit in face by

Why didnt se catch the it? What kind if message are you sending to today's women? They want and demand COMPLETE control over their bodies which should include protecting them from from stray projectiles. It would have been mysoginistic for him to have tried to save her life. That would have implied that she wasn't capable of saving her life.

It is tragic and I do pray for her ever lasting soul to rest in peace
I can't help thinking that you feel obligated to take over the Cajun Coonass duties as the JPP clown. It's funny that both of you are supposed to be well off yet you can't buy some decent jokes.

I've been a smart ass since birth. That said, what would a Brit know about decent jokes?
Why didnt se catch the it? What kind if message are you sending to today's women? They want and demand COMPLETE control over their bodies which should include protecting them from from stray projectiles. It would have been mysoginistic for him to have tried to save her life. That would have implied that she wasn't capable of saving her life.

It is tragic and I do pray for her ever lasting soul to rest in peace

I am pretty damn sure that he didn't get any nookie that night!!
Were you peeping again Tom?

When you are out walking with your partner, beau or significant other; do you walk on the inside or the outside of the pavement/sidewalk? I assume outside because, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, I believe that you are a gentleman in real life.