Choose my next name

The poster with post #15 will choose my new name

No repeats
Posts that do not contain a name (I.E. filler posts) do not count towards the total.
No poster may make two or more suggestions in a row. Meaning that if you make a suggestion, you cannot make another until someone else does.

Schlossed :cof1:
The poster with post #15 will choose my new name

No repeats
Posts that do not contain a name (I.E. filler posts) do not count towards the total.
No poster may make two or more suggestions in a row. Meaning that if you make a suggestion, you cannot make another until someone else does.

Count Monster Rod von Hugenstein!
Charver's post number ends in 32, not 15. The number up to the right is not the post number; that's the number of posts in this thread. The post number tells which post it is in relation to the entire site, so it's essentially random. Otherwise he would have said "15th post in this thread", which would be pretty pointless.
Fuck all this, when do I take suggestions? Oh yeah... all the time....

Still, I say fuck it.

Grind, change my name to Alister Tenpenny