One of the reasons I decided to move to Mexico.
Go with "Mexico has better weather."
Just out of curiosity, to where in Mexico (region) did you move?
Don't get me wrong, I think the Canadian government does have some good things.
That's not a particularly high bar.
I strongly suspect that the main reason that Putin's been so adamant about calling his involvement in the Ukrainian war a military operation is to echo the same words that Ukraine's been using to justify its killing of its own population for the 8 years prior to 2022.
Do you think it's wrong to kill one's own population? Do you think a country should be killing it's living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die?
... or is that actually OK?
I guess it's understandable that you'd like to avoid these inconvenient truths and try to get me to just "get over" them.
Should I be avoiding any inconvenient truths that I should just "get over"?
I imagine it messes with your narrative that "Russia bad/Ukraine good".
I just want to know if killing living humans is bad/allowing them to live is good.
Even at this later juncture, Russia still hasn't said that their goal is to annex all of Ukraine.
That is so considerate. Good ol' selfless Russia.
If the Ukrainian government in Kyiv had any sense, they'd get to the peace table as soon as possible and try to work out a deal wherein they get to keep what they still control of Ukraine.
That would be stupid. Russia won't be keeping any of Ukraine. Russia will be scurrying away empty-handed and Ukraine knows this. Ukraine is going to allow this to play out, not rush to give anything away.
The longer they go on with their delusions of taking back what they've lost, the more likely it is that Russia will take even more.
You sound like a shill for Russia. Ukraine will ride it out. Russia is going to lose big time on this.
I haven't seen any evidence that Russia has been targetting civilians
If Russia targets civilians, captured Russians will be hanged, even if it's years after Russia flees Ukraine. Russia will be very careful to adhere to the Geneva conventions.
On the other side of the fence
Russia invaded. They're on the same side of the fence now.
I've seen plenty of evidence that Ukraine's military has deliberately targeted not just civilian infrastructure, but civilians themselves.
Did you post any of that evidence here on JPP?
There's no evidence presented in this article. What do you get when you combine hearsay with exaggerated embellishment and political activism? Read the article for the answer.
I'd say it's NATO and its cronies
This is all I needed to read to know your political bearings.
I'm all for helping the Ukrainians as well,
Nope. You cheer for Russia to steamroll over the lot of them.
but I don't think the way to do that is to keep funelling money to henchmen of the U.S.
About now, you should be dispensing with any pretenses that you are, in any way, of a neutral and unbiased position.