Chris Hedges: The Unraveling of the American Empire | Consortium News

I strongly suspect that I've read a lot more of his articles than you have.
Let me get this straight. Your misunderstanding will transform into objective truth if the quantity of documents that you have read exceeds the quantity of documents that I have read? ... and you strongly suspect that this is the case, thus establishing your misunderstanding as effectively transformed, yes?

Again, you seem to be confusing Marxism with Socialism.
You seem to be denying the Marxism of socialism. That's like saying "Karl Marx who?"

Socialists are not all Marxists.
Yes they are. Every single socialist is a Marxist. Be aware that your misunderstanding is still running strong and this statement of yours is absurd.

The fact that Chris Hedges is on record as specifically stating he's not a Marxist ...
... strongly suggests that he is a two-faced liar who clearly fooled you. Going forward, my presumption is that you are gullible and easily duped.

I have yet to find any serious source that classifies socialism as a religion.
Do I care what you haven't found? All that matters is that you have no idea what a religion is. You should find that rather embarrassing.

In what substantive way is Christianity a religion but Marxism is not? Please answer this question directly and clearly, without pivoting and more of your two-steps.

If you believe you have such a source, by all means present it.
Sure, I have the best source available: myself. I am a rational adult who knows what a religion is and who can recognize one when I see one. It is a wonderfully liberating feeling being able to apply my own analysis and critical reasoning. I will never let anyone do my thinking for me, and I won't let anyone fool me with boooooolsch't.

You've made it clear that you don't like Wikipedia, but Wikipedia is hardly the only source that defines socialism as something other than a religion.
OK, we're back to your bizarre notion that any misunderstanding that is sufficiently believed or that is sufficiently repeated on the internet becomes absolute truth by default. I don't know where you got this idea but I will again suggest that you approach arguments from the point of view of a rational adult, i.e. you need to use logic to build your case and your words need to stand on their own. Nobody gives a rat's tail who, on the internet, shares your mistaken views. If your argument has merit, you don't need to point to anyone's opinion.

Here's the first definition of the American Heritage Dictionary, 5th Edition:
Don't bother. Where is Marxism defined? Start there.

YouGov has released the results of an interesting poll that gauges Americans' thoughts and feelings about socialism.

Opinions don't determine objective reality. Polls are scams; they sell hope to a particular market and help the poll's financier push a political agenda.

The term has been used by Republicans to describe Democrats for decades
Big deal. Today it happens to be spot on. Nonetheless, Karl Marx defined Marxism, and he was nothing but a firebrand preacher. I understand Marxism very well, just as I understand socialism very well, as I understand communism very well. You, apparently, do not. Chris Hedges is a Marxist, regardless of the extent to which he now tries to hide it.

The Forbes article is crap. Forbes has been taken over by leftists who hide behind the misconception of a lingering conservative ideology.

One of the reasons I decided to move to Mexico.
Go with "Mexico has better weather."

Just out of curiosity, to where in Mexico (region) did you move?

Don't get me wrong, I think the Canadian government does have some good things.
That's not a particularly high bar.

I strongly suspect that the main reason that Putin's been so adamant about calling his involvement in the Ukrainian war a military operation is to echo the same words that Ukraine's been using to justify its killing of its own population for the 8 years prior to 2022.
Do you think it's wrong to kill one's own population? Do you think a country should be killing it's living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die?

... or is that actually OK?

I guess it's understandable that you'd like to avoid these inconvenient truths and try to get me to just "get over" them.
Should I be avoiding any inconvenient truths that I should just "get over"?

I imagine it messes with your narrative that "Russia bad/Ukraine good".
I just want to know if killing living humans is bad/allowing them to live is good.

Even at this later juncture, Russia still hasn't said that their goal is to annex all of Ukraine.
That is so considerate. Good ol' selfless Russia.

If the Ukrainian government in Kyiv had any sense, they'd get to the peace table as soon as possible and try to work out a deal wherein they get to keep what they still control of Ukraine.
That would be stupid. Russia won't be keeping any of Ukraine. Russia will be scurrying away empty-handed and Ukraine knows this. Ukraine is going to allow this to play out, not rush to give anything away.

The longer they go on with their delusions of taking back what they've lost, the more likely it is that Russia will take even more.
You sound like a shill for Russia. Ukraine will ride it out. Russia is going to lose big time on this.

I haven't seen any evidence that Russia has been targetting civilians
If Russia targets civilians, captured Russians will be hanged, even if it's years after Russia flees Ukraine. Russia will be very careful to adhere to the Geneva conventions.

On the other side of the fence
Russia invaded. They're on the same side of the fence now.

I've seen plenty of evidence that Ukraine's military has deliberately targeted not just civilian infrastructure, but civilians themselves.
Did you post any of that evidence here on JPP?

There's no evidence presented in this article. What do you get when you combine hearsay with exaggerated embellishment and political activism? Read the article for the answer.

I'd say it's NATO and its cronies
This is all I needed to read to know your political bearings.

I'm all for helping the Ukrainians as well,
Nope. You cheer for Russia to steamroll over the lot of them.

but I don't think the way to do that is to keep funelling money to henchmen of the U.S.
About now, you should be dispensing with any pretenses that you are, in any way, of a neutral and unbiased position.

All it took was a quick internet search to find even a mainstream outlet that suggests that the U.S. is in fact an empire, even if it's attempting to hide the fact. Here's an article from a few years ago on the subject:

How the US has hidden its empire | The Guardian

Only morons mislabel the US an empire. Dunce. :palm:

It seems your only contribution in this thread has been to insult those you disagree with. As such, I think it makes the most sense to ban you from future threads of mine.
I strongly suspect that I've read a lot more of his articles than you have.

Let me get this straight. Your misunderstanding will transform into objective truth if the quantity of documents that you have read exceeds the quantity of documents that I have read?

I suggest you elaborate on what you think this "objective truth" is, or we won't get very far here.

I find it rather sad that many people on the right side of the political spectrum seem to be unaware that socialism is rather broad.

My experience is that Marxism is perceived to be just as broad a religion as Christianity.

Again, you seem to be confusing Marxism with Socialism.

You seem to be denying the Marxism of socialism.

You don't seem to understand that Marxism is a -form- of socialism, not the other way around. I've noticed this trend among certain right wingers, who seem to lump anyone who considers themselves to have socialist tendencies to be Marxists, from Bernie Sanders to Stalin, despite the many differences that become obvious upon closer inspection.

Despite what many on the right seem to believe, Socialists are not all Marxists.

Yes they are.

No, they aren't, though as I've mentioned, some right wingers have a tendency to make this mistake. I even found a Q&A online that pondered why (some) conservatives do this, and I think that the answers, while having some flaws, were generally educational. Here's the question, minus the last sentence which is unnecessarily abrasive:

Why do conservatives always lump Marxists, socialists and communists together as if they were all one and the same? Having been a leftist since high school (long, long ago in a distant galaxy), what I have seen is that each of those groupings contains people with many actual different views and positions, to the extent that overriding label does nothing to offer insight or clarity to the views and or positions those people actually have.


Here's an answer that I think is pretty good:

They really don't know what the differences are and don't ever care to. They just see the terms as hot button words with which they can use as weapons to derogate and disparage people. This has been going on ever since the Joe McCarthy era in the 1950s.

Tell me IBD, are you familiar with the McCarthy era? Just in case you aren't, here's some good reading material for you:

McCarthyism, also known as the second Red Scare, was the political repression and persecution of left-wing individuals and a campaign spreading fear of alleged communist and Soviet influence on American institutions and of Soviet espionage in the United States during the late 1940s through the 1950s.[1] After the mid-1950s, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had spearheaded the campaign, gradually lost his public popularity and credibility after several of his accusations were found to be false.[2][3] The U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren made a series of rulings on civil and political rights that overturned several key laws and legislative directives, and helped bring an end to the Second Red Scare.[4][5][6]

Listen to this Article: "Our Collective Trauma is the Road to Tyranny"
American society spawns trauma and this trauma expresses itself in a variety of self-destructive pathologies, including the erosion of democracy and rise of neo-fascism.

I have come to the same conclusion, that we are a society that suffers from societal PTSD/Borderline Personality Disorder, that this is the root of what has gone wrong, why America is now in collapse. I believe that this started with the Civil War, that we are still in effect dealing with the ramifications of the Civil War in a sense though there have been so many other traumas piled on.

Most alarmingly our attempts to treat individual PTSD/Borderline Personality Disorder have been colossal failures, the only thing that really works is the spiritual path, which is deeply problematic as Christianity is deep into a death spiral.
I came to my conclusion completely independent of Hedges, my conclusion is informed by my deep understanding of personal abuse and recovery.
There is not a single case since 1941 when the coups, political assassinations, election fraud, black propaganda, blackmail, kidnapping, brutal counter-insurgency campaigns, U.S. sanctioned massacres, torture in global black sites, proxy wars or military interventions carried out by the United States resulted in the establishment of a democratic government. The two-decade-long wars in the Middle East, the greatest strategic blunder in American history, have only left in their wake one failed state after another. Yet, no one in the ruling class is held accountable.
I can only address this part of your post right now because it's something I have firsthand knowledge of. I talk to guys who did a few tours in Iraq as much as I can, and they all say the same thing. They have no idea why we were in Iraq other than to make Dick Cheney and Halliburton very wealthy. Everything was run by Halliburton -- meals, mail and everything in-between. It was Halliburton 24/7/365. US troops couldn't do anything without Halliburton.

Congress did their usual fake audit on Halliburton overcharging to the point of defrauding the US government, but we all know it was only for show to make it look like they have teeth.
I can only address this part of your post right now because it's something I have firsthand knowledge of. I talk to guys who did a few tours in Iraq as much as I can, and they all say the same thing. They have no idea why we were in Iraq other than to make Dick Cheney and Halliburton very wealthy. Everything was run by Halliburton -- meals, mail and everything in-between. It was Halliburton 24/7/365. US troops couldn't do anything without Halliburton.

Congress did their usual fake audit on Halliburton overcharging to the point of defrauding the US government, but we all know it was only for show to make it look like they have teeth.

US Empire control of the entire globe was the mission, Iraq was the next step in the plan.
US Empire control of the entire globe was the mission, Iraq was the next step in the plan.
Halliburton stock was in trouble until the US preemptive strike on Iraq. They ended up with no-bid contracts and overcharged on everything they did. I didn't read the full article so I added to what Hedges may have left out.
Halliburton stock was in trouble until the US preemptive strike on Iraq. They ended up with no-bid contracts and overcharged on everything they did. I didn't read the full article so I added to what Hedges may have left out.

Small Potatoes.
Halliburton stock was in trouble until the US preemptive strike on Iraq. They ended up with no-bid contracts and overcharged on everything they did. I didn't read the full article so I added to what Hedges may have left out.

Small Potatoes.

Perhaps in the grand scheme of things, but every glimpse behind the curtain of the official narrative is a step forward for people.