Christian ethics vs. Roman values

You are wishing I wrote things that I never wrote.

Hallucinations are a primary indication you need medication.

She's perpetually angry which indicates personal problems with you and I being the targets of displaced aggression. I don't take it personal and feel sad for her.

A person's natural state is happiness. If they aren't happy, they need to alter the variables in their life. In Somalia, that can be a challenge. In the US, it's mostly a matter of getting off one's ass and changing.
Take it from me, this is how bogus innuendo about posters gets spread like manure on this board.

No, I don't know that he is a hate filled sexist, and have not seen any female posters say that either, since they would be the best judges of it.

I think she's mad because I picked up on the fact that she's female and under 40....probably under 30. Notice the difference between her behavior and all other JPP women** except LV426. I think the difference is youthful inexperience. Both should grow out of it.

**Examples: TOW, TOP, Phan, Christie, evince, LiG.
She's perpetually angry which indicates personal problems with you and I being the targets of displaced aggression. I don't take it personal and feel sad for her.

A person's natural state is happiness. If they aren't happy, they need to alter the variables in their life. In Somalia, that can be a challenge. In the US, it's mostly a matter of getting off one's ass and changing.
I appreciate that posters like you, Phantasmal, Owl, Evince, Althea, Flash, celticguy, Eagle, et. al are able to discuss things without blowing a fuse!
I appreciate that posters like you, Phantasmal, Owl, Evince, Althea, Flash, celticguy, Eagle, et. al are able to discuss things without blowing a fuse!

Likewise. It's like a clean shower after a Mud Run. The mud is fun, but it feels good to be clean again. :thup:

I have good, civil discussions with him, which was originally the premise of this message board
The only person you talk with about religion is Dutch Uncle, who is one of the most hateful persons on the forum. Why I do not respect you at all.
That's not true. He's talked about religion with me and many others here.
Which she is obviously intelligent and sane enough to know for herself. Instead, she chooses to be a bitch about it by lying.

TBH, she's often a bitch to everyone which is why she strikes me as simply venting life frustrations out on people who won't hit her or harm her in any physical way. She never discusses anything past 1 or 2 posts, after that it's Fuck you blah, blah, blah. Most adults have been on the receiving end of abuse in the past, one way or another and should understand her problem...albeit disagree on her solution.

Oddly, by her displaced aggression upon JPP members, she's also exemplifying the cycle of bullying where bullies were victims of bullying. Her displaced aggression is bullying. That fact and her anger tells me she's a victim who is trying to create other victims. Sad.
Many times, as I recall.

If anyone wants to have serious conversations about the human condition, politics, economics, and religion have to be in the top tier.

....which is usually a pretty low bar on JPP. :thup:

"I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.” - Groucho Marx
....which is usually a pretty low bar on JPP. :thup:

"I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.” - Groucho Marx

Good point, I am forever the naive optimist. I am sure there are more posts on this forum about porn, than about Buddhist, Confucian, or Christian ethics.
Good point, I am forever the naive optimist. I am sure there are more posts on this forum about porn, than about Buddhist, Confucian, or Christian ethics.
Nothing wrong with optimism. Like labeling all Republicans racists, people tend to lump optimists with Pollyanna's which is equally wrong. I'm firmly on the Pascal side of the equation regarding optimism. A realist who sees the silver linings.

Agreed about porn especially since your one who started all the sincere discussions on religions of the world.
You are going to be waiting a very long time for the Holy Spirit to fill your mind with knowledge about particle physics, Roman history, or Greek metaphysics.

I acquire that kind of knowledge from trained subject matter experts. I don't wait around hoping the knowledge will just pop into my mind by divine intervention.

Why do I need any of that?
This is actually pretty good proof of what I had always maintained, despite the howls of protest from the militant atheist contingent.

Because of our 2,000 year engagement with Judeo-Christianity, certain Christian values have just seeped into our DNA, whether we recognize it or not.

The Saint Petersburg troll just assumed it was perfectly natural and self evident that the primary beneficiaries of almsgiving and public charity should be the destitute and poor.

>> That was not always just self-evident to everyone, as the practice and nature of public charity changed substantially as the pagan Roman Empire evolved into the Christian Roman Empire.

"Many contemporary secular practices, categories, and judgments are in fact Christian. The Christian language is removed, but the deep Christian structure remains in the universalism of our moral ideals.".

--- Charles Mathews, Professor of Religious History, University of Virginia
"Many contemporary secular practices, categories, and judgments are in fact Christian. The Christian language is removed, but the deep Christian structure remains in the universalism of our moral ideals.".

--- Charles Mathews, Professor of Religious History, University of Virginia

Ancient Greek literature is full of stories about honoring the homeless as they could be a visiting God. Sorry, your history is wrong.
Ancient Greek literature is full of stories about honoring the homeless as they could be a visiting God. Sorry, your history is wrong.

Post some examples.

Socrates, Aristotle, Plato never wrote about pacifism, charity to the destitute, universal love.

In this thread I cited Encyclopedia Britannica, and modern scholarship to demostrate that the nature of western ethics changed significantly in the transition from pagan Rome to Christian Rome.

It is mainstream scholarship that says that, I am just respecting the scholarship.

A Roman pagan would barely recognize the moral framework a modern secular person holds. That's because even our secularism is imbued with Christian values, whether we recognize it or not. We don't even think twice about sending food, medical supplies, financial help to impoverished people on the other side of the globe we have never met. You can kid yourself thinking that you stumbled into that moral framework all on your own, but the fact is we have 2,000 years of the Judeo-Christian tradition bred into our DNA.
Post some examples.

Socrates, Aristotle, Plato never wrote about pacifism, charity to the destitute, universal love.

In this thread I cited Encyclopedia Britannica, and modern scholarship to demostrate that the nature of western ethics changed significantly in the transition from pagan Rome to Christian Rome.

A Roman pagan would barely recognize the moral framework a modern secular person holds. That's because even our secularism is imbued with Christian values, whether we recognize it or not. We don't even think twice about sending food, medical supplies, financial help to impoverished people on the other side of the globe we have never met. You can kid yourself that you stumbled into that moral framework all on your own, but the fact is we have 2,000 years of the Judeo-Christian tradition bred into our DNA.

Tiresias in Sophocles' "Oedipus the King." He is described as a beggar and a prophet.
Post some examples.

Socrates, Aristotle, Plato never wrote about pacifism, charity to the destitute, universal love.

In this thread I cited Encyclopedia Britannica, and modern scholarship to demostrate that the nature of western ethics changed significantly in the transition from pagan Rome to Christian Rome.

It is mainstream scholarship that says that, I am just respecting the scholarship.

A Roman pagan would barely recognize the moral framework a modern secular person holds. That's because even our secularism is imbued with Christian values, whether we recognize it or not. We don't even think twice about sending food, medical supplies, financial help to impoverished people on the other side of the globe we have never met. You can kid yourself that you stumbled into that moral framework all on your own, but the fact is we have 2,000 years of the Judeo-Christian tradition bred into our DNA.

I agree with Aristotle. Universal love is abstract and meaningless.