APP - Christian Hate Groups

PMP, one post denying reality would have been sufficient. Denial is so easy, solves nothing. Why do you assume you know who's on my side, presumption is an unbecoming trait. Proof required. There is plenty of info in the links above to confirm the subject of this thread.

It's funny how all religions are similar and yet they all act as if they are somehow perfect examples of holiness and the others are bad eggs. If bombing and killing people at Planned parenthood is not an act of a religious fanatic nothing is. You can deny the reality behind these actions just as you assign meaning to McVeigh, a Catholic terrorist. Maybe the Chaplain at his execution can explain Timmy to you.

You're wrong on Roof too, see below. I'll grant you Robert Lewis Dear is a nutcase, but wouldn't that be true of most of the killers? Dear was motivated by abortion news and the views expressed by the religious right. The religious have the right to their opinions but when a woman's decision is labeled murder it sets a stage for crazies. Just as Muslim fanatics set the stage for violence. What if religions preached tolerance and love and did things to prevent abortions instead.

Interesting piece on McVeigh

Dylann Roof
"If the manifesto is authentic, it will undoubtedly serve as confirmation for what motivated Roof when he opened fire on members of a Bible study group on Wednesday. Indeed, if authentic, the document would confirm Roof’s motivation was not to attack Christians or Christianity, as many have claimed."

Some love the old testament too much it seems. "'The United States also has a very high rate of violent crime, and particularly high rates of lethal violence - compared to other similarly situated nations....'This is not a coincidence...this belief system, and the culture it inspires, lends itself to many types of criminal activity including the promotion of violent crimes against a variety of victims, terrorism against those of different faiths, and even crimes against the environment'.
Read more:

This is interesting, from 2007 yet. Religious Right Claims Hate-Crimes Law an Attack on Christianity

"So here I come to thee
Against my will; and surely do I trow
Thou dost not wish to see me. Still 'tis true
That no man loves the messenger of ill."

PMP, one post denying reality would have been sufficient.

yet all your posts deny reality.....why is it not sufficient for you?......McVeigh's wiki biography includes his direct quote that he's not a believer.....I've posted it here a dozen times, I'm not wasting the time to do it again.....against that, mindless liberals harp about the fact he was raised as a Catholic......even the atheists on this board who were raised as Catholics pretend that "proves" he's a Christian terrorist.....

Roof killed Christians but you are convinced he did it because of his Christian beliefs based upon the opinion of someone at ThinkProgress?.....
PMP, if a Muslim radical is a murderer and a Muslim, then a Christian radical is a murderer and a Christian. If you insist on using religion as a label then you must accept all the Christian murderers. Only fair. As for McVeigh I can't see into his heart but anyone who takes last rites is a believer. And complaining about sources of information is weak and off point.

"McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[91] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly. McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[93] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[91] In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion. In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution." from wiki

"Unlike the generally secular white supremacist organizations, Hutaree are explicitly Christians. Many seem to be millenarians, expecting the end of time to come soon. Like the so-called Patriot Movement, they are gun nuts. They are said to be organized to kill the Antichrist, and some reports say that they planned violence against American Muslims."

"Verity Baptist Church Pastor Roger Jimenez sparked an outcry and rebukes from national Baptist leaders by saying at the pulpit last Sunday that his only problem with Omar Mateen’s killing of 49 people at a gay nightclub is that Mateen “didn’t finish the job.”"
PMP, if a Muslim radical is a murderer and a Muslim, then a Christian radical is a murderer and a Christian.

of course.....if and an atheist radical like McVeigh is a murderer and an atheist, you shouldn't lie and say he's a Christian.......wasn't that obvious?.....
"Verity Baptist Church Pastor Roger Jimenez sparked an outcry and rebukes from national Baptist leaders by saying at the pulpit last Sunday that his only problem with Omar Mateen’s killing of 49 people at a gay nightclub is that Mateen “didn’t finish the job.”"

he's an idiot and a fool and has properly been rebuked by Baptist have to be honest though and admit that he's never killed anyone.....thus he is a fool, but not a terrorist......
I agree there is a large amount of hate in the religious right. Can't deny it. It's real. I have a few questions for you midcan...

If I preach that fornication is sin is that hate speech towards those who decide to have sex before marriage?

If I preach that adultery is sin is that hate speech toward those married folks who cheat on their spouses?

If I preach that there is no salvation through any name but the name of Christ is that hate speech towards Muslims? Buddhists? Hindus?

If I preach that homosexuality is sin is that hate speech towards homosexuals?
I agree there is a large amount of hate in the religious right. Can't deny it. It's real. I have a few questions for you midcan...

If I preach that fornication is sin is that hate speech towards those who decide to have sex before marriage?

If I preach that adultery is sin is that hate speech toward those married folks who cheat on their spouses?

If I preach that there is no salvation through any name but the name of Christ is that hate speech towards Muslims? Buddhists? Hindus?

If I preach that homosexuality is sin is that hate speech towards homosexuals?

those are the liberal examples of hate speech......
I agree there is a large amount of hate in the religious right. Can't deny it. It's real. I have a few questions for you midcan...

If I preach that fornication is sin is that hate speech towards those who decide to have sex before marriage?

If I preach that adultery is sin is that hate speech toward those married folks who cheat on their spouses?

If I preach that there is no salvation through any name but the name of Christ is that hate speech towards Muslims? Buddhists? Hindus?

If I preach that homosexuality is sin is that hate speech towards homosexuals?

No, to all as they are within the context of your religious beliefs, it is a complicated question how those same ideas become a source of hate for others. Consider that except for adultery which hurts another person, your taboos have changed through time and in the case of homosexuality is not a personal choice. Sex before marriage is so common today among the young that even my liberal soul finds it bewildering. Then consider salvation through being born again, or a similar acceptance, why is that not framed in a concern for another's wellbeing? Reminds me of the Jehovah Witness women who I once friended, and how until her death, she came to our home with her material. My brother is gay and while he and his partner of 35 years are religious, it becomes a problem when you are not accepted within your own religion.

"A man has a right not to be insulted in front of his children." President Lyndon Johnson 'the moral necessity of the 1964 Civil Rights Act'

"Unique among courts in the world, the Supreme Court has extended broad protection in the area of hate speech—abusive, insulting, intimidating, and harassing speech that at the least fosters hatred and discrimination and at its worst promotes violence and killing. The justices have consistently held that statutes punishing speech or conduct solely on the grounds that they are unseemly or offensive are unconstitutionally overly broad. Only by protecting all forms of speech can the public be assured of uninhibited, vigorous, and wide-open debate."

"Evangelical hate speech is really a perversion of empathy. I was guilty of doing it for twenty-five years. I’m ashamed and sorry that I did and regret that my parents and other church leaders taught and instructed me to speak that way. I wish I could go back and apologize to all the people to whom I directed hate speech." See more at:
As an update to this thread below are links to policy and law questions concerning hate speech. Threads in APP serve as education for the student or the concerned when they are open for all to read and discuss.

How about Mississippi? More bigotry based on religion, if you are going to do a job in government, just as in business, you have to abide by the rules. The idea that one would make up their own rules based on religion contradicts American values.