Agreed, but that's a higher sense of civilization versus several million years of genetic programming for survival by any means necessary.
People are not herd animals. We're more like troops of baboons. Scientifically, speaking, of course.
The events of January 6th should serve as solid evidence this is true.
Baboons are very social creatures. Groups of baboons are called troops, and a troop can contain dozens to hundreds of members. The largest troops have up to 300 members, according to the African Wildlife Federation. Troops groom, sleep and protect each other.
Young baboons in the troop will also play together. Games include wrestling, swinging from vines and chase.
A dominant male usually runs the troop. Males are usually ranked in dominance by age and size while females are usually ranked by birth order...
...Baboons can talk, sort of. They have at least 10 different vocalizations they use to communicate.
Humans and baboons are closely related