Christians wage war on mid winter festivals

More Christmas oddities in the US...

Puritans made Christmas illegal...

Congress held session on December 25th for quite some time as English customs fell out of favor in the newly formed US.

It wasn't until 1870 that Christmas became a Federal Holiday.
I know, but this version of history is not understood by the religous right or any of those who claim there is a war on christmas in todays culture.

Christmas is MUCH MUCH more prevelant and accepted (and rightfully so) than it was under our founding fathers.
Yep, jarod Christians are winning the war on pagan holidays and still whining about how persecuted they are.
And the Christmas trees are going back up in SETAC....
but I am not sure which side won. they are called Christmas trees, but are not mentioned in the bible anywhere and are a part of pagan midwinter festivals....sooo confusing...
I just read about another Christian attack on Midwinter festivals on CNN.
Holy vandals slashed an inflatable Santa :shock:
I am pleased to report a slight victory on the side of paganism.

Santa Hat-Wearing Bus Driver Allowed to Keep Job
Ken Mott (Newsday)
A Santa hat-wearing school bus driver on Long Island, N.Y., has won the right to keep wearing his festive headgear, Newsday reported.

Kenneth Mott, who keeps a long, white beard, almost lost his job after a parent called the bus management to complain. Mott, who has worn the red and white hat every Christmas since he started with the Bauman & Sons bus company five years ago, was ordered to stop wearing the hat because a child didn't believe in Santa Claus and was bothered by the hat.

"I said, 'What, are you kidding me?'" Mott recalled. "I thought it was a big joke," Newsday reported.

However, after Mott told other parents he might be fired for wearing the hat, supervisors changed their stance and said he could continue to wear the hat.