
You have not supplied proof, you have supplied evidence. Evidence of the writings of a single 'historian'. I cannot say that what he said was a true and objective record or that it was a record tinged with the promotion of his own agenda. No one can possibly know that.
Tacitus records of England can be, to some extent, substantiated by archeology but I doubt (I do not know for certain) that the same weight of evidence exists for anyone to accept that Tacitus proves the existence of any single and named person save for his emporers. It is not even certain that he was a Roman!!
My main point and one which I do not believe can be refuted, is that history serves several purposes and the recording of objective, verifiable truth seldom appears at the top of the list. My goodness look at your own history of WWII !!!! Tacitus would have been no different.
And so we must all come back to our own faith or interpretation. If you choose to believe one thing and I choose to believe something else then that is the way it is and that is the way it must be. There are no winners and no losers.

He wrote what we understand to be recorded histories and they have been published as historical records of his time. He was an employed historian recording "facts" that transpired during his time and how those events may have related to other events i.e. the prosecution and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. The records of Pontious Pilate were likewise recorded legal events... Whatever Tacitus's personal opinions of those events may or may not be has nothing whatsoever to do with if the actual events happened-
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she didn't say it was proof guys asked for a non christian source....she gave it and you're still whining

Well..he can continue to split this seeming supercilious hair- We are off to the picture show :D~

Merry Christmas Yurt!
The history of Jesus as recorded by Tacitus the Roman historian, a non Christian, recounts his trial and execution and the influence those acts had on the new sect known as "Christians". Even Josephus, the Jewish historian of just a few years prior to Tacitius, recorded the events of his execution...

My challenge by WM was to provide a non biblical source for the existence of the person Jesus; I did that. This had nothing to do with faith or belief in Christianity.

The ancient Romans, much like the ancient Jews and Greeks, kept meticulous written records and any history buff knows this.

Josephus's account was a forgery and even a possibility that Tacitus could just be echoing what the Christians were saying about Jesus makes the reference worthless.
Josephus's account was a forgery and even a possibility that Tacitus could just be echoing what the Christians were saying about Jesus makes the reference worthless.

Stupid- First because Tacitus was not using Josephus as his source, but Roman records. That said it is also stupid because the interpolation charges of the writings of Josephus are themselves based on non fact based inferences.

Josephus's account was a forgery and even a possibility that Tacitus could just be echoing what the Christians were saying about Jesus makes the reference worthless.

Publius Cornelius Tacitus aka Tacitus is considered to be amongst the highest ranks of ancient historians along with Pliny the Elder and his nephew Pliny the Younger. Pliny the Younger's account of his uncle's demise in Pompeii in 79 AD is particularly profound and latterly found to be extremely accurate in the details of the Vesuvius eruption of that year.
merry christmas to you

i refuse to do dishes btw, thats why kids exists :D

LOL- The kids had friends over (the over 18 crowd) for dinner. They were among the forlorn who for one reason or another had no fam for the holiday. They happily washed the dishes-and ate all the desert :D

Between the loud music and the craziness I had a very nice day- We went to the movies and divided up between the romantic commedy crowd and the must see everything in 3-d crowd! Rained like crazy all day~