Christofacist denies rape victim morning after pill


JPP Modarater

"TAMPA, Florida (AP) -- A college student who told police she had been raped was jailed for two days after officers found an old warrant accusing her of failing to pay restitution for a 2003 theft arrest.

While she was behind bars, a jail worker refused to give her a second dose of the morning-after contraceptive pill because of the worker's religious convictions, the college student's attorney said."

So long as the implications of their sanctimonious BS have no impact on their lives, its all good.
I read that this morning... Its SICK what they did to this woman. I hope she has a lawsuit against the State for denying her medical treatment after a rape!
Ridiculous. The was raped thrown in jail and now she may be forced to have an abortion because of some self-righteous christofacist who will have no responsibility in the consequences of what happens to her body. Boils my blood.
He should be fired. If you cannot do your job properly because of your religion then you are in the wrong line of work. Choose a line of work that does not conflict with your religion, don't expect the world to conform to you.
He should be fired. If you cannot do your job properly because of your religion then you are in the wrong line of work. Choose a line of work that does not conflict with your religion, don't expect the world to conform to you.

I agree, but unfortuanately many Christians seem to think the world is supposed to conform to their religious wants. It is what their religion teaches them after all.
I read that this morning... Its SICK what they did to this woman. I hope she has a lawsuit against the State for denying her medical treatment after a rape!

Can she sue the worker personally or does she have to sue the state?
I would expect she can and will sue both. the worker for doing it and the state for not training the worker properly.
Can she sue the worker personally or does she have to sue the state?
She would have to show that she was harmed by it. Is she pregnant? Being refused the pill itself will not be enough, she will have to show real harm because of his action. If she is pregnant and it could have been avoided by that action then there can be real damages. I am unsure of the "emotional" aspects, but they would be significantly more difficult to prove if she were not pregnant.

If she wanted to sue the state for cramming her in jail after being the victim of rape, she could try but would be unlikely to win that one...
Can she sue the worker personally or does she have to sue the state?

The state and the person, but only if she can show she needed the medicine for a legitatmate medical condition. I dont know if pregnancy would qualify, it should.

Lets just hope this poor girl is not pregnant. There is a way to sue for "wrongfull birth".
The state and the person, but only if she can show she needed the medicine for a legitatmate medical condition. I dont know if pregnancy would qualify, it should.

Lets just hope this poor girl is not pregnant. There is a way to sue for "wrongfull birth".

Umm make the worker pay child support for 18 years if she is pregnant form the rape ?
And provide health insurance for the child.
Umm make the worker pay child support for 18 years if she is pregnant form the rape ?
And provide health insurance for the child.
Make him raise the child. He took on the responsibility with his action, IMO. Or worse, for him anyway, if she chooses to abort the child have him pay for it through court action...

If I were the "gentleman" in question and made such a choice I would certainly take such a responsibility.
what do i keep telling all yall, holyrollers will not stop til they are in your life forever, they will stop at nothing to control you, consume you and eat you and beat their cult into your head like the lowlife maggots they are. they don't sleep and i think they eat brains, they are the most corrupt devious scandalous scumbag douchewhores known to the universe, they are sucm, they do not deserve to be considered human. they are lower than the lowest scumbag.
She would have to show that she was harmed by it. Is she pregnant? Being refused the pill itself will not be enough, she will have to show real harm because of his action. If she is pregnant and it could have been avoided by that action then there can be real damages. I am unsure of the "emotional" aspects, but they would be significantly more difficult to prove if she were not pregnant.

If she wanted to sue the state for cramming her in jail after being the victim of rape, she could try but would be unlikely to win that one...

yup...I agree. You have to have damamges.
it's just hilarious how you clowns just jump on the bullsh*t bandwagon when you want to have faith in some ridiculous reporet.

i hate to inform you of this but it ILLEGAL for jail workers, or anyo other worker, to give medication or drugs to inmates.

you goofs couldn't smell the fish on this one????

you liberals are such idiots..........
LOL, I don't think so hip. All diabetics and such would die in jail then.
Actually from what I recently read prisioners have a longer life expectancy that we on the outside do.
it's just hilarious how you clowns just jump on the bullsh*t bandwagon when you want to have faith in some ridiculous reporet.

i hate to inform you of this but it ILLEGAL for jail workers, or anyo other worker, to give medication or drugs to inmates.

you goofs couldn't smell the fish on this one????

you liberals are such idiots..........

There is a clinic in all jails... THis girl just needed medication, she would have had to see the MD on duty who would have prescribed the pill. I dont know the detales but if the pill were already prescribed to her and it was deemed "Medically necessary" they it should have been given to her. If it were not already prescribed to her, her request to see the M.D. should have been granted.

You are an idiot if you think people dont get medicine in jail.
He should be fired. If you cannot do your job properly because of your religion then you are in the wrong line of work. Choose a line of work that does not conflict with your religion, don't expect the world to conform to you.
It's always nicer when we agree on things. Nicer, but less interesting. ;)

Yeah, I agree totally. This goes for Muslim cab drivers who refuse to carry alcohol in their cabs as much as for Christian pharmacists who refuse to dispense birth control.
it's just hilarious how you clowns just jump on the bullsh*t bandwagon when you want to have faith in some ridiculous reporet.

i hate to inform you of this but it ILLEGAL for jail workers, or anyo other worker, to give medication or drugs to inmates.

you goofs couldn't smell the fish on this one????

you liberals are such idiots..........
Other than prescribed medication, I would agree. Then the infirmary gives the medication. However, we must work with the information we have. Did the "gentleman" not report it because he knew what the response would be? Was she refused what another person would have if a different guard was there?

So, since I don't know I go by what the story says, if it is as written then the "gentleman" should be fired for refusing to do what is required of him.