Christofacist denies rape victim morning after pill

LOL, I don't think so hip. All diabetics and such would die in jail then.
Actually from what I recently read prisioners have a longer life expectancy that we on the outside do.
Most of them can't smoke cigarettes on any regular basis. I'm sure that boosts those numbers. However, I have reasonable doubts on this one, I think it would depend on which prison you were in. Max security usually has far more likelihood of dying from violence than any other place in the nation.
I think smoking has been totally banned in many prisons.
Makes sense, if they let them smoke they might be shortening their life sentences ;)
there is no proof that she was denied medication because of anyones religion.

>>Tampa attorney Jennifer D'Angelo, who represents the jail worker, said Tuesday that her client is prohibited from giving inmates any medication without specific orders. The worker insists she never discussed religion with the woman who reported being raped.

Having a crime committed against you is not a get out of jail free pass. This is another distorted story just like the Duke Rape case.
That is the jail workers attorney. What would you expect them to say ? Duhhh
Most everyone in prison will tell you they are innocent ;)
thestrory says 'jail worker'. all medication is dispensed in the jail clinic by docotrs or RNs. jail 'workers' can't give out medicine. that is the major flaw in this attorney's bullsh*t statement. no mention of clinics, nurses, etc, just a generic 'jail worker' guys just so really want this to be true, don't you?

"TAMPA, Florida (AP) -- A college student who told police she had been raped was jailed for two days after officers found an old warrant accusing her of failing to pay restitution for a 2003 theft arrest.

While she was behind bars, a jail worker refused to give her a second dose of the morning-after contraceptive pill because of the worker's religious convictions, the college student's attorney said."

So long as the implications of their sanctimonious BS have no impact on their lives, its all good.

Tampa attorney Jennifer D'Angelo, who represents the jail worker, said Tuesday that her client is prohibited from giving inmates any medication without specific orders. The worker insists she never discussed religion with the woman who reported being raped.
Just another distortion and lie by the liberals. No christofacist involved it would seem.
Despite the vast desire by the left for there to have been Christofascism, that has yet to be shown.
Despite the vast desire by the left for there to have been Christofascism, that has yet to be shown.
Oh, I think the term is at least as useful as "Islamofascism." :p

There are indeed militant Christians, and militant Christians of a frighteningly inflexible and didactic creed.
Oh, I think the term is at least as useful as "Islamofascism." :p

There are indeed militant Christians, and militant Christians of a frighteningly inflexible and didactic creed.
True, but not every action that could be a result of Christofascism is.
thestrory says 'jail worker'. all medication is dispensed in the jail clinic by docotrs or RNs. jail 'workers' can't give out medicine. that is the major flaw in this attorney's bullsh*t statement. no mention of clinics, nurses, etc, just a generic 'jail worker' guys just so really want this to be true, don't you?
It is an emotive story, therefore they can point to this during a campaign year. Of course, the editorial-like story written in a perspective that doesn't give us the "Who, What (factually a generic worker cannot give medication regardless of religious beliefs only specific ones can and we do not have that information here), Where (we got this one), Why (not even close to this, the worker himself/herself was never even interviewed), When (we got this one) and How (Didn't get this one either. Did the worker refuse to take her to the clinic? Did the worker work in the clinic? Was the drug available at the clinic?)

This is an editorial-like story without the facts that are supposed to be within such a story. It comes out early without information in order to create shock/awe at the action of the worker without regard to the reader needing more information. It also taints any jury pool for the employee making it far more difficult to draw an impartial jury.