Christofacists: Dress Warm.....Looks like you're going to he*l

Originally Posted by Cypress: But Persian, Turkish, and Malaysian women are hot. Have you seen any hot mormon chicks lately? I haven't.

All the time. There is a Mormon church very close to our house (only 10 or so miles away)... they have this group of redheads...

Yeah, but besides hot Persian and Malaysian women, I just don't think I could follow a religion founded by some "prophet" named Joe Smith from Ohio, who allegedly talked to angels in his back yard.

It's much cooler to have a prophet who founded Mecca, prostelytized throughout mesopotamia, and then ascended to heaven from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Cool!
If you're not catholic!
:shock: :burn:

LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches.

well... now iam a lil confused... if this isnt hell i wounder what is
your head up liberal chicks butts???Interesting...sure hope they bath on a regular basis...ass smell is really annoying!
Having reading comprehension problems BB ?
Their heads up their butts does not mean me.
or is it your wishful thinking for yourself ?
But they do believe they are the only legitimate religion. they will behead you for feeling differently. Why is that preferable to you?

Yeah, this happens a lot. The other day I was chatting to my Turkish newsagent and happened to mention I was atheist... That was it, he was chasing me down the street with a machete trying to behead me...

But they do believe they are the only legitimate religion. they will behead you for feeling differently. Why is that preferable to you?

Yeah, this happens a lot. The other day I was chatting to my Turkish newsagent and happened to mention I was atheist... That was it, he was chasing me down the street with a machete trying to behead me...


Don't ya just hate it when that happens. Just fouls up your entire day.