Cindy Crackpot Sheehan Leaves Dem PArty - Who Cares?

Nothing like the love and tolerance of a liberal first thing in the morning

I see Cindy Crackpot is still out there, being led on a leash by the kook left.

I have no problem with her giving her opinion - just the lies she passes off as facts

and those who give her a pass

Ok, maybe you have trouble comprehending. Let's try again: Do you recant the two lies you used to open this thread with:

Do Cindy's children want nothing to do with her, and are they ashamed of her? Or were you mistaken?

Did her husband "dump her" because he holds a different opinion than she does on bush and on this war, or, were you mistaken?

I don't give a flying fuck about any of your other off-topic nonsense that you are babbling about in an attempt to not answer the question.

Ok, maybe you have trouble comprehending. Let's try again: Do you recant the two lies you used to open this thread with:

Do Cindy's children want nothing to do with her, and are they ashamed of her? Or were you mistaken?

Did her husband "dump her" because he holds a different opinion than she does on bush and on this war, or, were you mistaken?

I don't give a flying fuck about any of your other off-topic nonsense that you are babbling about in an attempt to not answer the question.


With a few exceptions, her family has left her

She is a huge embarrassment. She is more interested in getting her face plastered all over the media and making money then anything else

I am not surprised you are not concerned about all the lies she has sprewed - being a liberal truth is not one your priorities
Cindy Sheehan Resigns as ‘Face’ of the American Antiwar Movement
Posted by Noel Sheppard on May 28, 2007 - 15:01.
Well, sports fans, at roughly the same time I was putting together my article concerning the media ignoring Cindy Sheehan’s departure from the Democrat Party, the antiwar heroine was expressing similar sentiments at Daily Kos.

In a piece entitled “Good Riddance Attention Whore,” Sheehan literally tore apart those who used to fawn over her so adoringly (h/t Charles at LGF).

After a brief introduction, Cindy shared feelings about her role as an antiwar spokesperson that many on the right have been expressing for almost two years (emphasis added throughout):

The first conclusion is that I was the darling of the so-called left as long as I limited my protests to George Bush and the Republican Party. Of course, I was slandered and libeled by the right as a "tool" of the Democratic Party. This label was to marginalize me and my message. How could a woman have an original thought, or be working outside of our "two-party" system?

However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the "left" started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of "right or left", but "right and wrong."

Fantastic. Sheehan concluded:

This is my resignation letter as the "face" of the American anti-war movement. This is not my "Checkers" moment, because I will never give up trying to help people in the world who are harmed by the empire of the good old US of A, but I am finished working in, or outside of this system. This system forcefully resists being helped and eats up the people who try to help it. I am getting out before it totally consumes me or anymore people that I love and the rest of my resources.

Good-bye America are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can’t make you be that country unless you want it.

It’s up to you now.

Think the media will report this announcement?

Regardless, as Charles Johnson concluded in his piece about her resignation, "On this Memorial Day, we honor Casey Sheehan’s sacrifice."
With a few exceptions, her family has left her

She is a huge embarrassment. She is more interested in getting her face plastered all over the media and making money then anything else

I am not surprised you are not concerned about all the lies she has sprewed - being a liberal truth is not one your priorities

So, you're not going to admit that the statement "her husband and children want nothing to do with her and are ashamed of her" was false.

It's always good to let people know what you are up front. Thanks.
So, you're not going to admit that the statement "her husband and children want nothing to do with her and are ashamed of her" was false.

It's always good to let people know what you are up front. Thanks.

I admit she has driven away most of her family and the bottom feeders are still sticking up for her and using her for their needs
So, you're not going to admit that the statement "her husband and children want nothing to do with her and are ashamed of her" was false.

It's always good to let people know what you are up front. Thanks.

Darla, will Cindy comment on her buddy Hugo firing tear gas into the TV station that disagreed with him - or is she going on another PR tour for him?
I admit she has driven away most of her family and the bottom feeders are still sticking up for her and using her for their needs

Then that makes you an outright, and known, liar.

Her family has done no such thing. Her family, her sister, her children, and her ex-husband, all support and share her position.

Her ex-sister in law, who is NOT "her family" does not.

So you, are a liar.
Darla, will Cindy comment on her buddy Hugo firing tear gas into the TV station that disagreed with him - or is she going on another PR tour for him?

Are you going to admit you are a liar? Because until you admit that you are a fucking liar, and a fucking knowing liar, I'm not discussing anything else withyou. why would I want to debate anything with a known fucking liar?
Are you going to admit you are a liar? Because until you admit that you are a fucking liar, and a fucking knowing liar, I'm not discussing anything else withyou. why would I want to debate anything with a known fucking liar?

RedStateDrools will never admit he lied about Sheehan's husband.

RedStateDrools is insane. He has a post on the other board, claiming that bush is POPULAR worldwide.

Redstatedrools is probably a 16 year old kid, who come on here and lies for the entertainment and shock value. In short, he or she is about as worthless as toby.

Why does the rightwing attract these kind of kooks, moreso than the leftwing?
Are you going to admit you are a liar? Because until you admit that you are a fucking liar, and a fucking knowing liar, I'm not discussing anything else withyou. why would I want to debate anything with a known fucking liar?

I am so sorry if I confused the issue with facts

It is not my fault Cindy Crackpot has been played for a fool by the left, and now she says she is calling it quits
I am so sorry if I confused the issue with facts

It is not my fault Cindy Crackpot has been played for a fool by the left, and now she says she is calling it quits

LOL. Ok little boy.

Listen, fix your signature. It's like nails on a chalkboard to some of us.

"Vote Democrat it is easier then working." That is grammatically incorrect. "Then" indicates a time. I will go shopping and then meet with you.

You want the word "than". As in, more than, less than. Vote Democrat it is easier than working is grammatically correct, though of course, I can do nothing about the lack of thruthfulness in this statement.
After all, voting for anyone is easier than working. We don't get that choice as citizens. If you vote, you don't have to work. Or, maybe you do, I know I don't. I both work and vote. I vote socialist whenever possible.

But I've got a job son.
LOL. Ok little boy.

Listen, fix your signature. It's like nails on a chalkboard to some of us.

"Vote Democrat it is easier then working." That is grammatically incorrect. "Then" indicates a time. I will go shopping and then meet with you.

You want the word "than". As in, more than, less than. Vote Democrat it is easier than working is grammatically correct, though of course, I can do nothing about the lack of thruthfulness in this statement.
After all, voting for anyone is easier than working. We don't get that choice as citizens. If you vote, you don't have to work. Or, maybe you do, I know I don't. I both work and vote. I vote socialist whenever possible.

But I've got a job son.

Ok, you are losing and changing the subject

I understand

Dems want to be the Mommy and Daddy party while others pay the bill. I am pointing out the obvious
Ok, you are losing and changing the subject

I understand

Dems want to be the Mommy and Daddy party while others pay the bill. I am pointing out the obvious

Oh yeah, you've "handed my head to me" alright.

It's ok, you can tell the other fourth graders that in show and tell....I won't say anything. Don't miss the bus!
Oh yeah, you've "handed my head to me" alright.

It's ok, you can tell the other fourth graders that in show and tell....I won't say anything. Don't miss the bus!

You are the one who changed the subject - not me

Libs have a habit of doing that when they can't counter facts
You are the one who changed the subject - not me

Libs have a habit of doing that when they can't counter facts

It's already been proved to you and everyone else, that your initial claims of "her husband and children are ashamed of her and want nothing to do with her" were completely false.

You've been shown to be a liar, but have continued on like some sort of computer-generated virus program, completely oblivious of that.

People are laughing at you dear. You're too stupid to know it.