Citgo was an American company....


Villified User
Giuliani Defends Firm's Work for Citgo

Mar 18, 9:49 PM (ET)


TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Sunday defended his law firm's role in representing Citgo Petroleum Corp., which is ultimately controlled by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying it was helping protect American jobs.

Giuliani acknowledged though, that his opponents will try to exploit the news that a lawyer with Bracewell & Giuliani of Houston has been representing Citgo before the Texas legislature.

The firm has had a contract with Citgo since before Giuliani joined it.


Although Citgo Petroleum is a U.S.-based company, it was bought in 1990 by Petroleos de Venezuela, the national oil company of Venezuela. It employs 4,000 people in Texas and other states, and Giuliani said indirectly more than 100,000 people have jobs because of the company.

Just one example in the shortsighted view of those selling America.
It's interesting, because a few people have said to me, it's not his personal life that will do him in, it's his business dealings. Which, I don't know much about, and I really didn't believe it, because I DO know about his personal life which is a debacle.

But with this news, I see what they meant. Poor, poor Rudy. I'll tell you, if he can become President with all of his baggage, then it's time to stop worrying about America's mental health and just admit that we need to be institutionalized.
I have also found it interesting that Gulliani is involved in Texas business so deeply....oil business at that....
Giuliani Defends Firm's Work for Citgo

Mar 18, 9:49 PM (ET)


TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Sunday defended his law firm's role in representing Citgo Petroleum Corp., which is ultimately controlled by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying it was helping protect American jobs.

Giuliani acknowledged though, that his opponents will try to exploit the news that a lawyer with Bracewell & Giuliani of Houston has been representing Citgo before the Texas legislature.

The firm has had a contract with Citgo since before Giuliani joined it.


Although Citgo Petroleum is a U.S.-based company, it was bought in 1990 by Petroleos de Venezuela, the national oil company of Venezuela. It employs 4,000 people in Texas and other states, and Giuliani said indirectly more than 100,000 people have jobs because of the company.

Just one example in the shortsighted view of those selling America.

Other than the bush-loving Neocons in the wingnutosphere, who cares if he did business with a Venezuelan company? Its not like Venezuela is an enemy of the United States.
Hugo did give us some cheap heating oil, more than the US oil companies have done.
The problem is that the "liberal" media is controlled more and more by the neos in the wingnutosphere.
Hugo did give us some cheap heating oil, more than the US oil companies have done.
The problem is that the "liberal" media is controlled more and more by the neos in the wingnutosphere.

Neocons gave the Bush family a pass, for doing business with the saudi Bin Laden company -- I can't see how neocons will get in a tizzy with doing business with a venezuelan company.
I have considered boycotting Citgo because I disagree with many of the practices of the Chavez regime. However I am also aware that almost all oil companies have ties to dictatorial regimes.

I've concluded the best thing to do is to drive a fuel efficient vehicle.
I have considered boycotting Citgo because I disagree with many of the practices of the Chavez regime. However I am also aware that almost all oil companies have ties to dictatorial regimes.

I've concluded the best thing to do is to drive a fuel efficient vehicle.

Chavez isn't a dictator. He was popularly elected three times, by some of the largest majorities in venezeulan history. The venezeulan people want him. I don't know all the details of what he's doing, and some of it sounds undemocratic, but it's their country not mine. They keep giving him an overwhelming mandate.
Giuliani has been criticized for doing legal work for Citgo which is owned by Venezuela which is now controlled by Hugo Chavez someone the US is not quite found of. Its a whole lot of nothing.
Chavez isn't a dictator. He was popularly elected three times, by some of the largest majorities in venezeulan history.

I am very familiar with Chavez. Chavez has rewritten many of the laws to solidifiy his power and has sought to erode checks and balances in his government. Chavez is popular because he gives a lot to the people especially the poor. Chavez apparently understands the principles of Machiavelli quite well. Chavez is a majoritarian, trampling the rights of smaller groups is seen as expedient by him because they are a smaller voting bloc.

Chavez has limited speech and the press that has been critical of him.

Bush was also popularly elected but that doesn't mean that he works against human rights.

Chavez and Bush have much in common actually. The main difference is who they cater to. Chavez is much smarter though.
Chavez isn't a dictator. He was popularly elected three times, by some of the largest majorities in venezeulan history.

I am very familiar with Chavez. Chavez has rewritten many of the laws to solidifiy his power and has sought to erode checks and balances in his government. Chavez is popular because he gives a lot to the people especially the poor. Chavez apparently understands the principles of Machiavelli quite well. Chavez is a majoritarian, trampling the rights of smaller groups is seen as expedient by him because they are a smaller voting bloc.

Chavez has limited speech and the press that has been critical of him.

Bush was also popularly elected but that doesn't mean that he works against human rights.

Chavez and Bush have much in common actually. The main difference is who they cater to. Chavez is much smarter though.

Chavez is popular because he gives a lot to the people especially the poor

Oh, the horror!!! ;)

I don't care who they elect. It's their country.
Cypress you act as if what any other country does as long as it is democratic is not worthy of consideration.

Yes it is their country and yes I have an opinion about it. We are all citizens of the world and I don't find it inappropriate to concern myself with what goes on overseas especially if my dollar supports it.

Russia is also a democratic country but there is much to be concerned with there as well.

As I said before though. I do not boycott Citgo because I don't consider Chavez' government to be worse than the Saudi's or Russian's.
Giuliani has been criticized for doing legal work for Citgo which is owned by Venezuela which is now controlled by Hugo Chavez someone the US is not quite found of. Its a whole lot of nothing.

I'm willing to bet that some Bushie down the line someone's going to read this as, "he conspired with al Queada"
It wouldn't be surprising. Chavez has made deals with the Ahmadinejad government and I'm sure that that connection will be pointed out
As I said before though. I do not boycott Citgo because I don't consider Chavez' government to be worse than the Saudi's or Russian's.

That's a very interesting statement and a testament to what we've become: forced to choose the lesser of evils.

That being said, Chavez doesn't even come close to the sheer evilness and duplicitness that is Putin. At least chavez's motives are good hearted and that is to help the poor.
I'm willing to bet that some Bushie down the line someone's going to read this as, "he conspired with al Queada"

Yep, exactly. Chavez is so hated by the right wing in this country that I don't see how this doesn't hurt Rudy among republicans. I mean, some of them have openly spoken about assassinating him for God sakes.

My own personal opinion of him is, while nobody laughed harder at his El Diablo speech than I did, he's got some totalitarian qualites. I wouldn't want him as President here. But he's not President here, so I can enjoy the show between him and Bush.
My own personal opinion of him is, while nobody laughed harder at his El Diablo speech than I did, he's got some totalitarian qualites. I wouldn't want him as President here. But he's not President here, so I can enjoy the show between him and Bush.

that's how I am. I love that they hate him so much which makes me have a sweet spot for him. And I reveled in the fact that he gave low cost heating oil to people here. And I also love those Citgo commercials with the people thanking Citgo. Love it love it. Imagining Rove, Condi, Shooter and Chimp seeth (sp?) at his graciousness toward Americans while they send us off to war. You can't be it.
Yep, exactly. Chavez is so hated by the right wing in this country that I don't see how this doesn't hurt Rudy among republicans. I mean, some of them have openly spoken about assassinating him for God sakes.

My own personal opinion of him is, while nobody laughed harder at his El Diablo speech than I did, he's got some totalitarian qualites. I wouldn't want him as President here. But he's not President here, so I can enjoy the show between him and Bush.
I agree. Interestingly enough, that last paragraph can be applied equally well to Giulliani, too. ;)