Citizens are just Not Allowed?


As always, excellent and point well made.

However, I'm actually more concerned about the plight of the downtrodden and abused white male. I'm getting depressed about my ability to advance and prosper because women and blacks are privileged over me.

Can you post some more comedy, uh, I mean insights on the discrimination and abuse of white males?

It is the only demographic that society is encouraged to discriminate against.

Like the the promotions in the fire department that were cancelled because not enough minorities passed the exam?

of course institutionalized discrimination has an impact. How could it not?

Destroying white males, the predominant male majority, is just a way of destroying the entire nation by proxy, and it's this race division which the new world order planners knew they could exploit to appeal to the rest of the world to help destroy america and western europe.
This is where you socialist libs go all dumb. There has to be a need for a skill for that someone is willing to pay for. If nobody wants to hire you to do it, it can only be a fun hobby. This is why you have to make sure there is a market for amrerican skills, you do that by not allowing the market to include overseas slave labor or illegal immigrants. Your way is an administration nightmare. My way will allow a fruit picker to make more money while he can save and try to set up a business to do his skills, or get a suit and work on his resume for his interviews and spiff his shoes and maybe take a class which HOPEFULLY will give him and employable skill. You can just say, oh well, i trained for something stupid and now its no good but you're gonna pay me anyway. That's not reality.

There are jobs waiting to be filled by trained people. Let's support the unemployed and let them get the training. The money saved by paying less for some jobs can be used for that end.
There are jobs waiting to be filled by trained people. Let's support the unemployed and let them get the training. The money saved by paying less for some jobs can be used for that end.

Most jobs are sent overseas, or they import people to do them. if we stop doing these things, there REALLY WILL be jobs. We can solve american employment problems with border and immigration policy alone. You know why? because perverting them is what got us into this mess. Backtracking works sometimes.
but why should people have to pay more when they could not pay more?

My concern is for the worker. Let's say a low level office clerk makes minimum wage and is laid off. They collect unemployment benefits while seeking another job. If they refuse a job they will be disqualified from collecting further benefits.

Let's say minimum wage is $7/hr. and that's what they were earning before being laid off. If there was no minimum wage they may have to accept a job paying $4/hr. What would be the point of unemployment insurance?

An analogy would be having home insurance, ones big screen plasma TV is stolen, then the insurance company replacing it with a 12" B&W.

The point of technology and innovation is to reduce the necessity to work. As we progress we work fewer hours. The goal is not to have people working. The goal is to produce with as little effort as possible. Whether it's using tractors instead of digging a field by hand or having robotic equipment to build cars instead of an assembly line staffed with people the goal is not a job.

Technological advancements have to benefit everyone; ie: society in general. Putting someone to work just for the sake of having them working is a massive waste of human potential.

That's why outsourcing jobs is generally the right thing to do. It offers jobs to 3rd world nations where there aren't any jobs and it allows people here to increase their knowledge and ultimately do more specialized jobs.

It comes down to using our potential to the fullest. We wouldn't expect a doctor to be emptying bed pans and we certainly wouldn't pay someone who does empty bed pans a doctor's salary. We wouldn't expect a person capable of being a plant manager to take a job sweeping the floor and then paying that person what a plant manager would make. It's just as illogical to pay someone who is capable of being a computer programmer or lab technician the same salary to make plastic shoes or work in a field when we can offer that job to someone else at a reduced rate.
My concern is for the worker. Let's say a low level office clerk makes minimum wage and is laid off. They collect unemployment benefits while seeking another job. If they refuse a job they will be disqualified from collecting further benefits.

Let's say minimum wage is $7/hr. and that's what they were earning before being laid off. If there was no minimum wage they may have to accept a job paying $4/hr. What would be the point of unemployment insurance?

An analogy would be having home insurance, ones big screen plasma TV is stolen, then the insurance company replacing it with a 12" B&W.

The point of technology and innovation is to reduce the necessity to work. As we progress we work fewer hours. The goal is not to have people working. The goal is to produce with as little effort as possible. Whether it's using tractors instead of digging a field by hand or having robotic equipment to build cars instead of an assembly line staffed with people the goal is not a job.

Technological advancements have to benefit everyone; ie: society in general. Putting someone to work just for the sake of having them working is a massive waste of human potential.

That's why outsourcing jobs is generally the right thing to do. It offers jobs to 3rd world nations where there aren't any jobs and it allows people here to increase their knowledge and ultimately do more specialized jobs.

It comes down to using our potential to the fullest. We wouldn't expect a doctor to be emptying bed pans and we certainly wouldn't pay someone who does empty bed pans a doctor's salary. We wouldn't expect a person capable of being a plant manager to take a job sweeping the floor and then paying that person what a plant manager would make. It's just as illogical to pay someone who is capable of being a computer programmer or lab technician the same salary to make plastic shoes or work in a field when we can offer that job to someone else at a reduced rate.

im for having a minimum wage law, by the way.

All these professional jobs are just not here right now. They're being shipped overseas, or special classes of indentured servants are being created by perverse highly targetted work visas to glut any niche market where americans actually start to get ahead. H1-b and such.

putting people on the dole for undefined lengths of time while simultaneously doing nothing to sculpt markets in their favor by curtailing some of the globalist idiocy is just a recipe for disaster, the creation of some third way state dependant voting bloc.

So noble of you to codemn "third world people" to corporatist slave camps so first worlders can do more "important things". You really are a nazi inside.

Maybe all countries should do all kinds of work, just to keep things into perspective. I think that. Overspecialized societies are crippled inside, by design, by the nwo controllers. Resist their destructivenss.
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having your cake and eating it too? you realize that by paying someone $7 an hour for a job that should only pay $5 an hour, you're paying more for a product so someone can have a job?

The reason is not so someone can have a job. As mentioned before we have to get away from that idea.

If we're going to classify something as a "job" and people receiving government assistance are obliged to take a job when one becomes available then we have to define or set parameters on what constitutes job and that includes the wages.

Imagine no minimum wage. Every welfare recipient would be required to take any job regardless of what it paid. $2/hr to clean someone's home? There would always be "jobs" for them to do. We could pay them $5 to cut our lawn. $3 to wash our car.
The reason is not so someone can have a job. As mentioned before we have to get away from that idea.

If we're going to classify something as a "job" and people receiving government assistance are obliged to take a job when one becomes available then we have to define or set parameters on what constitutes job and that includes the wages.

Imagine no minimum wage. Every welfare recipient would be required to take any job regardless of what it paid. $2/hr to clean someone's home? There would always be "jobs" for them to do. We could pay them $5 to cut our lawn. $3 to wash our car.

Im for a minimum wage.

imagine employing americans in our supply chain instead of overseas dictator abused imf wage slaves and imported people of questionable or mutant visa status. Plus we keep the added ability to produce goods of all varieties locally, enhancing the diversity of our skills base. People could make a decent wage doing "less than" while they save up to start a business doing their preferred career.

Ill take common sense, you can niggle about what contitutes a "job" and self esteem issues by yourself.
im for having a minimum wage law, by the way.

All these professional jobs are just not here right now. They're being shipped overseas, or special classes of indentured servants are being created by perverse highly targetted work visas to glut any niche market where americans actually start to get ahead. H1-b and such.

putting people on the dole for undefined lengths of time while simultaneously doing nothing to sculpt markets in their favor by curtailing some of the globalist idiocy is just a recipe for disaster, the creation of some third way state dependant voting bloc.

We have to offer people on the dole free education. It's as simple as that. There are jobs available and shortages in some fields.

So noble of you to codemn "third world people" to corporatist slave camps so first worlders can do more "important things". You really are a nazi inside.

People in third world countries are happy to get the jobs we supply. Do you think the guy in India would prefer working in a field to answering a phone? Or someone in a factory preferring to be in a desert without food?

Maybe all countries should do all kinds of work, just to keep things into perspective. I think that. Overspecialized societies are crippled inside, by design, by the nwo controllers. Resist their destructivenss.

That doesn't make any sense. Maritime states are not going to specialize in growing wheat any more than prairie states are going to open fish packing plants.

As globalization comes into effect it will be more efficient to have centralized points of production. Like everything else the cost goes down when production rises.

Our goal now is to find a few things we are really good at and supply the world with that product.
We have to offer people on the dole free education. It's as simple as that. There are jobs available and shortages in some fields.
Where are all these jobs you speak of? Your lack of plan is why you fail. Meanwhile companies are making deals to cut americans out of the loop altogether.
People in third world countries are happy to get the jobs we supply. Do you think the guy in India would prefer working in a field to answering a phone? Or someone in a factory preferring to be in a desert without food?
they're not happy. often times they're kicked off their land, starved, have all prices raised around them by unscrupulous dictator paid by the world bank to make their populations leave their traditional lives and become wage slaves. You're a monster for being this misinformed and still considering yourself pro humanity.
That doesn't make any sense. Maritime states are not going to specialize in growing wheat any more than prairie states are going to open fish packing plants.
All fields within reason, everything your resources and people skill allow you to do. Not some specialized central planner vision where one whole society is slaves and another whole society are overpaid activist globalist bloggers.
As globalization comes into effect it will be more efficient to have centralized points of production. Like everything else the cost goes down when production rises.

"As globalization comes into effect..." = you're fucking nuts
Centralized productions means too much shipping and too much energy use. Plus, it's also known in business circles as "single point of failure".

people who push central production just want to keep societies dependant on the central producer. It's called monopoly. It's evil.
Our goal now is to find a few things we are really good at and supply the world with that product.

That sounds good. Profitizing slavery so first worlders can do nothing until their government funding comes through destroys both populations, however, and has nothing to do with potentiating humans.
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Where are all these jobs you speak of? Your lack of plan is why you fail. Meanwhile companies are making deals to cut americans out of the loop altogether.

Open up any newspaper. You'll see jobs.

they're not happy. often times they're kicked off their land, starved, have all prices raised around them by unscrupulous dictator paid by the world bank to make their populations leave their traditional lives and become wage slaves. You're a monster for being this misinformed and still considering yourself pro humanity.

So I suppose we should have stayed in the horse and buggy days? Buggy makers lost jobs. People tending horses lost jobs. All the spin-off jobs like buggy wheels and whips and reins to attach the horse to the buggy....maybe we should have prevented automobiles from being manufactured. It definitely changed a traditional lifestyle.

All fields within reason, everything your resources and people skill allow you to do. Not some specialized central planner vision where one whole society is slaves and another whole society are overpaid activist globalist bloggers.

More money should be put into robot development. :)

"As globalization comes into effect..." = you're fucking nuts
Centralized productions means too much shipping and too much energy use. Plus, it's also known in business circles as "single point of failure".

people who push central production just want to keep societies dependant on the central producer. It's called monopoly. It's evil.

It's not evil at all. There can still be competition. Just like Sears and Zellers compete with Wal-Mart. We don't need a mom-and-pop store competing with Wal-Mart.

That sounds good. Profitizing slavery so first worlders can do nothing until their government funding comes through destroys both populations, however, and has nothing to do with potentiating humans.

It has to do with offering humans a better life. When someone wants a house they don't have to go into the bush and cut trees. They buy their lumber from a major supplier, a supplier who has equipment to cut trees and make building products.
Open up any newspaper. You'll see jobs.

So I suppose we should have stayed in the horse and buggy days? Buggy makers lost jobs. People tending horses lost jobs. All the spin-off jobs like buggy wheels and whips and reins to attach the horse to the buggy....maybe we should have prevented automobiles from being manufactured. It definitely changed a traditional lifestyle.

More money should be put into robot development. :)

It's not evil at all. There can still be competition. Just like Sears and Zellers compete with Wal-Mart. We don't need a mom-and-pop store competing with Wal-Mart.

It has to do with offering humans a better life. When someone wants a house they don't have to go into the bush and cut trees. They buy their lumber from a major supplier, a supplier who has equipment to cut trees and make building products.

Finding a more desperate workforce in an overseas corporate work camp, or using people of questionable legal status is not an innovation which is moving society forward. it's a race to the bottom. I thought libs were pro labor. I guess you're really just anti-american.

Competition between huge companies that are actually in a cartel together?

that's not competition that's fascism. You really are a total fascist. An oligarchical totalitarian. I can't believe you claim to be working in the interests of humanity . That's the funniest part and the saddest, and most evil.

And i understand a business which specializes in lumber and building supplies. That's different than say and entire country is geared for ONE THING. like "this whole nation is thinkers" and "this whole nation is slaves".
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