City Chicken Legs

Found this.
"History of City Chicken

"This mock chicken recipe with ground meat goes back to a time when chicken was expensive and veal was the budget meat. During the early 1900s, chicken was considered a special meal to be served for "Sunday dinner with the preacher" or holiday gatherings. This was a time before industrial chicken farming, so poultry was mainly used for egg production. By the time the chicken was past egg-laying age, its meat was tough and would only be palatable when cooked in a stew. So whole chickens were rare and considered a delicacy. In turn, cooks created mock chicken drumsticks using the less expensive meats like pork and veal. Whereas today veal is more of a splurge, back then it was cheap and plentiful—cow farmers were trying to thin out their herds and therefore sending calves to slaughter.

"City chicken is popular in the eastern parts of Michigan and Ohio as well as in areas of Pennsylvania and Upstate New York. The recipe traveled down South after southerners migrated to the North for jobs in the auto and railroad industries and then returned home with dishes they had grown to love. You will mainly find these mock drumsticks in metropolitan cities as it was originally created to feed the working class. "

Recipe at link:
Thank you! Dont tell anyone, but.....I recycle too.


So do I