civil war is inevitable

did you put a flag on your walker along with a gun mount ? :palm:

I have a 6"X8" flag on my mailbox and I'm still quite proficient offhand. Make me leave, you degenerate, racist, bigoted, wannabe.
A better alternative would be if you dumbshit Republicans up and left. :thinking: Worth considering.
Why not sell your shit and leave? Australia is conservative, they'd take you. Big country/continent.
Good quality of life. Just leave.

You want me to go, move me. You don't have the guts to come out of hiding on an anonymous forum. What makes you think you could move anyone?

The best alternative is if you left wingers killed yourselves.
I have a 6"X8" flag on my mailbox and I'm still quite proficient offhand. Make me leave, you degenerate, racist, bigoted, wannabe.



The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed? Far from being a fight between a narcissistic TV presenter and a senile old man, the country is being torn apart over a fundamental cultural issue that has been smouldering since its inception.

Here we are: the disaster that has been predictable for the past 30 years is looming. The United States is heading inexorably toward secession and civil war.

Since the demise of the USSR, the “American Empire” no longer had an existential enemy and therefore no reason to exist. The attempt by George H. Bush (the father) and Bill Clinton to give the country a new life with the globalization of trade has destroyed the middle classes in the USA and in almost all of the West. The attempt of George W. Bush (son) and Barack Obama to organize the world around a new form of capitalism – financial this time – has been bogged down in the sands of Syria.

It is too late to turn the tide. Donald Trump’s attempt to abandon the American Empire and refocus the country’s efforts on its domestic prosperity has been sabotaged by the elites acquired to the puritanical ideology of the “Pilgrim Fathers”. As a result, the moment so feared by Richard Nixon and his election adviser Kevin Philipps has arrived: the United States is on the brink of secession and civil war.
Break It Up: Secession... Kreitner, Richard Best Price: $20.11 Buy New $18.72 (as of 04:28 EDT - Details)

What I am writing is not a fantasy, but the analysis of many observers in the United States and around the world. For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared Donald Trump’s election fraud appeal inadmissible, not on legal grounds, but because “it would open Pandora’s box.

In fact, contrary to the misrepresentation of events that dominates the international press, either the outgoing president’s appeals are judged in law and he is obviously right, or they are judged in politics and proving him right will provoke civil war. But the conflict is already too far advanced. Judging him politically in defiance of the law will also provoke civil war.

I for one would like to extend the olive branch too you?!!:smile:



I haven't had any interest in an olive branch for 20 years............but thanks

the only thing I have an interest in expanding is the maximum effective range of my AR-15
1) It is really late in the game to decide to defend the Constitutuion.

2) Conservatives have long been generally useless cunts.

Buckle Up.....this is going to hurt.
I was a 5 time expert with my M16...............I like it.

I shot leagues each year to qualify when I shot competitions. I landed distinguished once right on the low one year with a Springfield M-1 Garand NM I smoothed out. I have the certificate hanging over my loading bench. I bought an M1-A just over a year ago, but haven't fired more than 20 rounds out of it. I was also a hi-power rifle instructor for over 20 years.
Get on with it. Stop talking. Start the war. Either that or STFU about it. It's been 12 years. What are you waiting for? An ingraved invitation?