civil war is inevitable

Hmm.. Being against British crown makes it racist!?
Of course not. In addition to being racist.
I was more talking about slavery, Jim Crow laws, Trail of tears, Japanese in internment camps, maybe even the war in Vietnam, or The war on terror.
Correct. The American flag is a symbol of racism in that regard.

Modern equivalent of USA slaves are Latino illegals.
Which is what makes the dimocrat party racist wishing for open borders. Well, they won't admit it.
Of course not. In addition to being racist.
Correct. The American flag is a symbol of racism in that regard.

Which is what makes the dimocrat party racist wishing for open borders. Well, they won't admit it.

anyone that comes in here who is not guilty of any major crime is better for our country, than punk ass white boy bitches like you. suck on that, bitch.
fuck you. fly your stupid fuck racist flag, bitch. i hope somebody kicks your ass for shoving your contempt of black folks in everybody's face, and your sympathizing with goddamn traitors. fuck you, boy.

Of course not. In addition to being racist.
Correct. The American flag is a symbol of racism in that regard.

Which is what makes the dimocrat party racist wishing for open borders. Well, they won't admit it.

That is so dishonest. You claim the left wants open borders, even though they do not. But then say they do but won't admit it. That is contrary to logic and debate.
The right really wants to blow up the country and kill all blacks, but they won't admit it. Well, you might.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahhh, but as the chronology of the posts shows, YOU are not being wholly honest in this exchange. One of my links shows/documents that it wasn't just one of your fellow assholes representing a white supremacist/separatist/racist/alt-right/q-anon mindset. There were many scattered throughout the mob. One just happened to fly the largest flag, while others had them on their jacket emblems. Then there were the ones with the hand signals.

The individuals who stormed the Capitol were a mixed collection of folks who include militant Trump supporters, election deniers and Alt-Right Folks," said Brian Levin, director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State University San Bernardino.

Once again, you stubbornly try to ignore what doesn't fit your belief system, and try to excuse the significance of having confederate flag waving POS accepted by a Trump rally and then a insurrectionist mob...a stupid thing to do in a printed medium.

Once again, Dutch you live up to your self description of your screen name/icon.

Dude, you're no better than those fucking assholes you keep whining and bitching about.

Oh, what a scathing retort! Can I stand the strain! :rolleyes:

Poor widdle Dutch....mouthing the same BS as every other racist POS on this thread regarding the Confederate flag...yet he thinks he's better than them. Then he stubbornly refuses to concede a point when he's factually and logically proven wrong. Like the the bigoted bumpkins on this thread, Dutch thinks he can separate the vile racism of slavery that was the key support of the Confederacy, and hence it's flag with his convoluted logic regarding the 1st Amendment.

Yeah Dutch, like I schooled you before, you have freedom of speech....but that does not shield you from critical analysis or the consequences of said speech. But you just carry on with your insipid stubborness and go blow that smoke up someone else's butt. The objective reader sees the folly of your ways. Carry on.
go for it, chickenshit. you have the talking part over with. the problem with it is America was greater before this bitch took office, punk. he showed what a bigoted, sexist, racist, dishonest piece of shit he was during the GOP primaries. how can a racist, bigoted, sexist, lying chickenshit like trump do to make ANYTHING better? try to think, boy.

Oh wow, using all the Ists. You must be a smart lib.
Taichi, along with other liberals, make a big fucking deal about the Confederate flag. It doesn't matter to them that most of the flags were US or Trump as I proved with multiple pictures because they have a warped view of certain pieces of cloth. In their view, it's okay to shit all over and burn the US flag but if someone has a rebel flag on their lapel, they are racist slavers seeking a return to the Antebellum South (think Colonel Sanders and mint julep if you don't want to look that up. )

What's wrong with the flags below?


once again, Dutch lives up to his own screen name description.

No one but bigots and the clowns who peppered the DC insurrection is buying your BS, Dutch. The Confederacy was a racist POS...they lost the war. Yahoos still flying that flag want to treat slavery as an after thought not really the core of the Confederacy....that is a lie, proven by the actual declaration the Confederate states submitted to Congress...look it up, unless you're too cowardly to deal with facts you don't like.

You want to fly that flag...go ahead.....just GTFU and deal with the accurate critical analysis and consequences of your delusion. Carry on.
Oh, what a scathing retort! Can I stand the strain! :rolleyes:

Poor widdle Dutch....mouthing the same BS as every other racist POS on this thread regarding the Confederate flag...yet he thinks he's better than them. Then he stubbornly refuses to concede a point when he's factually and logically proven wrong. Like the the bigoted bumpkins on this thread, Dutch thinks he can separate the vile racism of slavery that was the key support of the Confederacy, and hence it's flag with his convoluted logic regarding the 1st Amendment.

Yeah Dutch, like I schooled you before, you have freedom of speech....but that does not shield you from critical analysis or the consequences of said speech. But you just carry on with your insipid stubborness and go blow that smoke up someone else's butt. The objective reader sees the folly of your ways. Carry on.
once again, Dutch lives up to his own screen name description.

No one but bigots and the clowns who peppered the DC insurrection is buying your BS, Dutch. The Confederacy was a racist POS...they lost the war. Yahoos still flying that flag want to treat slavery as an after thought not really the core of the Confederacy....that is a lie, proven by the actual declaration the Confederate states submitted to Congress...look it up, unless you're too cowardly to deal with facts you don't like.

You want to fly that flag...go ahead.....just GTFU and deal with the accurate critical analysis and consequences of your delusion. Carry on.

Are you a woman?
once again, Dutch lives up to his own screen name description.

No one but bigots and the clowns who peppered the DC insurrection is buying your BS, Dutch. The Confederacy was a racist POS...they lost the war. Yahoos still flying that flag want to treat slavery as an after thought not really the core of the Confederacy....that is a lie, proven by the actual declaration the Confederate states submitted to Congress...look it up, unless you're too cowardly to deal with facts you don't like.

You want to fly that flag...go ahead.....just GTFU and deal with the accurate critical analysis and consequences of your delusion. Carry on.

Get over yourself.

I'm of Polish heritage & not particularly offended by Nazi Swastikas.

Even though 1.4 million Poles were enslaved by Nazi Germany.

Including 40,000 - 50,000 Polish children kidnapped & enslaved in Heuaktion.

Even though 2.0 million Poles were killed by Nazi Germany. Finance Ministry , 5.4% 3 more rows

Including in one week 70,000 - 90,000 Poles were killed at Wola Massacre.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Oh, what a scathing retort! Can I stand the strain!

Poor widdle Dutch....mouthing the same BS as every other racist POS on this thread regarding the Confederate flag...yet he thinks he's better than them. Then he stubbornly refuses to concede a point when he's factually and logically proven wrong. Like the the bigoted bumpkins on this thread, Dutch thinks he can separate the vile racism of slavery that was the key support of the Confederacy, and hence it's flag with his convoluted logic regarding the 1st Amendment.

Yeah Dutch, like I schooled you before, you have freedom of speech....but that does not shield you from critical analysis or the consequences of said speech. But you just carry on with your insipid stubborness and go blow that smoke up someone else's butt. The objective reader sees the folly of your ways. Carry on.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
once again, Dutch lives up to his own screen name description.

No one but bigots and the clowns who peppered the DC insurrection is buying your BS, Dutch. The Confederacy was a racist POS...they lost the war. Yahoos still flying that flag want to treat slavery as an after thought not really the core of the Confederacy....that is a lie, proven by the actual declaration the Confederate states submitted to Congress...look it up, unless you're too cowardly to deal with facts you don't like.

You want to fly that flag...go ahead.....just GTFU and deal with the accurate critical analysis and consequences of your delusion. Carry on.

Are you a woman?

There you have it, dear readers. Dutch is just another subliminal bigot who can't stand the light of day...let alone admit he's wrong on any point. But he thinks his stink is better than the other clowns on this thread who mouth the same bilge. Pathetic.

Once I expose these jokers for what they truly stand for, and reduce them to retorts like Dutch just gave, I ignore them. No sense in wasting more time and space on these fools.
There you have it, dear readers. Dutch is just another subliminal bigot who can't stand the light of day...let alone admit he's wrong on any point. But he thinks his stink is better than the other clowns on this thread who mouth the same bilge. Pathetic.

Once I expose these jokers for what they truly stand for, and reduce them to retorts like Dutch just gave, I ignore them. No sense in wasting more time and space on these fools.

I love women. You? Not so much. Why do you think the question was bigoted? Right now you look as deranged and bigoted as Diesel.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
once again, Dutch lives up to his own screen name description.

No one but bigots and the clowns who peppered the DC insurrection is buying your BS, Dutch. The Confederacy was a racist POS...they lost the war. Yahoos still flying that flag want to treat slavery as an after thought not really the core of the Confederacy....that is a lie, proven by the actual declaration the Confederate states submitted to Congress...look it up, unless you're too cowardly to deal with facts you don't like.

You want to fly that flag...go ahead.....just GTFU and deal with the accurate critical analysis and consequences of your delusion. Carry on.

Get over yourself.

I'm of Polish heritage & not particularly offended by Nazi Swastikas.

Even though 1.4 million Poles were enslaved by Nazi Germany.

Including 40,000 - 50,000 Polish children kidnapped & enslaved in Heuaktion.

Even though 2.0 million Poles were killed by Nazi Germany. Finance Ministry , 5.4% 3 more rows

Including in one week 70,000 - 90,000 Poles were killed at Wola Massacre.

Man, get the crack out of your pipe! We already did this dance on another thread, and all you've got is just parroting the SOS no matter what the response.

NO ONE GIVES A DAMN IF YOU COZY UP TO THOSE WHO WOULD FLY NAZI SYMBOLOGY AND TELL YOU IT'S NOT ABOUT NAZI GERMANY under Hitler. That's your problem. I've known lot's of Polish Americans who would have some choice words for people like you (collaborator, some the older guys would call you before they spit on the ground, the younger guys would say "where does this kawałek gówna live?").

This thread was about a potential 2nd Civil War in America....the actions of insurrection at the Capitol on Wednesday demonstrated what that heinous mindset entails. The yahoos were peppered with right wing extremist and demonstrating the Confederate flag. What's that got to do with false allegations of election fraud? The Confederacy was a racist POS....modern wavers of this flag delude themselves and lie to others that the disgusting legacy of slavery wasn't the cornerstone of the Confederacy. A lie disproved by the very declaration that the Confederates submitted to Congress. Look it up, genius, if you have the guts.

13% of the population know damn well what's the mindset behind these yahoos....many were survivors of violence by those who had the Confederate flag on their bumper stickers, flying from their car antennas or emblemed on their jackets. That was in my lifetime. So your "opinion" here is worthless.

Outside of insipid stubbornness, ya got nothing toodles. You stink as a right wing troll...hope they're paying you scale at least. Carry on.
Man, get the crack out of your pipe! We already did this dance on another thread, and all you've got is just parroting the SOS no matter what the response.

NO ONE GIVES A DAMN IF YOU COZY UP TO THOSE WHO WOULD FLY NAZI SYMBOLOGY AND TELL YOU IT'S NOT ABOUT NAZI GERMANY under Hitler. That's your problem. I've known lot's of Polish Americans who would have some choice words for people like you (collaborator, some the older guys would call you before they spit on the ground, the younger guys would say "where does this kawałek gówna live?").

This thread was about a potential 2nd Civil War in America....the actions of insurrection at the Capitol on Wednesday demonstrated what that heinous mindset entails. The yahoos were peppered with right wing extremist and demonstrating the Confederate flag. What's that got to do with false allegations of election fraud? The Confederacy was a racist POS....modern wavers of this flag delude themselves and lie to others that the disgusting legacy of slavery wasn't the cornerstone of the Confederacy. A lie disproved by the very declaration that the Confederates submitted to Congress. Look it up, genius, if you have the guts.

13% of the population know damn well what's the mindset behind these yahoos....many were survivors of violence by those who had the Confederate flag on their bumper stickers, flying from their car antennas or emblemed on their jackets. That was in my lifetime. So your "opinion" here is worthless.

Outside of insipid stubbornness, ya got nothing toodles. You stink as a right wing troll...hope they're paying you scale at least. Carry on.

I tolerate things I don't like.
I never once said cozy up.

I think if an idiot wants to wear a Swastika it makes the A hole easier to identify
For years, morons like you have always had to assume that i'm a right wing racist because your idiot brain pans are incapable of deciphering anything it's not possible. it's a wonder why you try to explain science when you can't explain anything other than left and right.

enjoy your delusional fantasies...........

What are you then? You've openly condoned the murder of American citizens with your multiple "collateral damage" comments. You've admired Timothy McVeigh. What kind of nutjob political animal are you?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Man, get the crack out of your pipe! We already did this dance on another thread, and all you've got is just parroting the SOS no matter what the response.

NO ONE GIVES A DAMN IF YOU COZY UP TO THOSE WHO WOULD FLY NAZI SYMBOLOGY AND TELL YOU IT'S NOT ABOUT NAZI GERMANY under Hitler. That's your problem. I've known lot's of Polish Americans who would have some choice words for people like you (collaborator, some the older guys would call you before they spit on the ground, the younger guys would say "where does this kawałek gówna live?").

This thread was about a potential 2nd Civil War in America....the actions of insurrection at the Capitol on Wednesday demonstrated what that heinous mindset entails. The yahoos were peppered with right wing extremist and demonstrating the Confederate flag. What's that got to do with false allegations of election fraud? The Confederacy was a racist POS....modern wavers of this flag delude themselves and lie to others that the disgusting legacy of slavery wasn't the cornerstone of the Confederacy. A lie disproved by the very declaration that the Confederates submitted to Congress. Look it up, genius, if you have the guts.

13% of the population know damn well what's the mindset behind these yahoos....many were survivors of violence by those who had the Confederate flag on their bumper stickers, flying from their car antennas or emblemed on their jackets. That was in my lifetime. So your "opinion" here is worthless.

Outside of insipid stubbornness, ya got nothing toodles. You stink as a right wing troll...hope they're paying you scale at least. Carry on.

I tolerate things I don't like.
I never once said cozy up.

I think if an idiot wants to wear a Swastika it makes the A hole easier to identify

You're full of it, period. The chronology of the posts shows the lengths you went to equivocating Confederate flag wavers and what they truly represent as part of Dump's core supporters. What' s the point of "identifying" neo-nazi's, fascists and racists if you then turn around and say, "no big deal"? You can't lie about that, the chronology of the posts won't let you. Unlike you, black folk in America (and all decent Americans, to be frank) can't afford such an aloof attitude.....this past Wednesday's actions proves that. Which is why there are laws to nullify such a mindset before it moves to the next level.

Other than a knee jerk response against anyone you perceive as a "liberal commie/facist coming to take away my way of life", you've got nothing....your willful ignorance and insipid stubbornness non-withstanding. But one thing is certain, with people like you, the subject title of this thread is correct. Carry on.
You're full of it, period. The chronology of the posts shows the lengths you went to equivocating Confederate flag wavers and what they truly represent as part of Dump's core supporters. What' s the point of "identifying" neo-nazi's, fascists and racists if you then turn around and say, "no big deal"? You can't lie about that, the chronology of the posts won't let you. Unlike you, black folk in America (and all decent Americans, to be frank) can't afford such an aloof attitude.....this past Wednesday's actions proves that. Which is why there are laws to nullify such a mindset before it moves to the next level.

Other than a knee jerk response against anyone you perceive as a "liberal commie/facist coming to take away my way of life", you've got nothing....your willful ignorance and insipid stubbornness non-withstanding. But one thing is certain, with people like you, the subject title of this thread is correct. Carry on.

Only Snowflakes are sensitive about flags.

Next they'll come for the American flag.

We respect freedom of expression in the USA.

You obviously don't.