Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Oh, what a scathing retort! Can I stand the strain!
Poor widdle Dutch....mouthing the same BS as every other racist POS on this thread regarding the Confederate flag...yet he thinks he's better than them. Then he stubbornly refuses to concede a point when he's factually and logically proven wrong. Like the the bigoted bumpkins on this thread, Dutch thinks he can separate the vile racism of slavery that was the key support of the Confederacy, and hence it's flag with his convoluted logic regarding the 1st Amendment.
Yeah Dutch, like I schooled you before, you have freedom of speech....but that does not shield you from critical analysis or the consequences of said speech. But you just carry on with your insipid stubborness and go blow that smoke up someone else's butt. The objective reader sees the folly of your ways. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
once again, Dutch lives up to his own screen name description.
No one but bigots and the clowns who peppered the DC insurrection is buying your BS, Dutch. The Confederacy was a racist POS...they lost the war. Yahoos still flying that flag want to treat slavery as an after thought not really the core of the Confederacy....that is a lie, proven by the actual declaration the Confederate states submitted to Congress...look it up, unless you're too cowardly to deal with facts you don't like.
You want to fly that flag...go ahead.....just GTFU and deal with the accurate critical analysis and consequences of your delusion. Carry on.