Clarence Thomas as new billionaire-funded vacations revealed

Ah, first you have to prove the “shit stains” are real, which hasn’t been done yet beyond innuendo, while the “black guy’s” transgressions are all documented

the bank accounts have been identified, as well as the amounts in that the innuendo you are referring to? the way, visiting with friends is not a "transgression"......
I wonder if any of the billionaires got favorable ruling from Thomas because of their generous gifts.

should be fairly easy to identify........the SC docket is available to the public......were any of his friends involved in any cases that went before the court?, I didn't think so either.......
typical horseshit from the resident turd.

Clarence Thomas is the top judge on the bench to millions of Americans

The asshole sat on the Supremes for over 10 years without asking one question. He is the worst Supreme of all time and is corrupt too. Nobody called him a top judge. If you listened to Supreme Court cases, you would not know if Clarence was playing with himself or snoozing. he had nothing to say. yes, I do believe he is a hero to people like you.
The asshole sat on the Supremes for over 10 years without asking one question. He is the worst Supreme of all time and is corrupt too. Nobody called him a top judge. If you listened to Supreme Court cases, you would not know if Clarence was playing with himself or snoozing. he had nothing to say. yes, I do believe he is a hero to people like you.

who gives a shit what you think. you are a jackass and respect shit stains
why should the fact you're a lying piece of lib'rul shit diminish Clarence Thomas in any way....I mean it's not like anyone who knows you thinks you have any credibility......and those who don't know you aren't likely to ever hear your lies......

Thomas diminishes himself in the same way you do.

He selectively discloses gifts and payments, sharing more minor ones while hiding this massive grift, showing he knows they should be disclosed and he is in violation of law and ethics rules.

He pontificates about 'having the highest ethics' while doing things that would get any other public servant or judge or politician, let go from their jobs or put in jail.

If this was Soros found treating RBG or other left SCJ in the past you guys would lose your shit.

So once again, you are forced to eat your own hypocrisy and gaslight yourself to protect another shit bag on the right.

Almost everyone you support on the right, you have to lie to yourself about to defend them as they are almost all shitbags.
who gives a shit what you think. you are a jackass and respect shit stains

Well thought out and for you, that is as intelligent a response as you can do. Can you type a post with out using shit stains? You think it is a meaningful retort and it is not. As bad a poster as you are, that diminishes your posts even more. Name calling is all you have.