Classic comic comedy

Larson is hilarious. Ever wonder what sort of mind it takes to think that stuff up?
Not only that but his delivery. Premis, set up and punchline all in one picture. His jokes are really simple. He just anthropromorphises the animal world and the results are hillarious.

What amazes me is that there's a lot of people who just don't get Larsen. Of course that could be because his jokes may take a bit of knowledge of a subject like anthropology to get his joke about the late Thag Simmons.
Mallard Fillmore.....the neocons piss poor response to Doonesbury.

Actually it's a parody:


I was just pointing out that the thing you posted was simialar in that no joke was told.
Actually it's a parody:


I was just pointing out that the thing you posted was simialar in that no joke was told.

Sorry, but that doesn't hold a candle to Derf. The sheer absurdity of what is going on in our society is captured by Derf's creation of the "superhero" White Suburban Man and the exaggerated yet disturbingly accurate portrayals of how the world he represents is screwing him into the ground. Mallard Fillmore just delivers a neocon mantra and then tries to excuse it because it's done out of a cartoon characters beak. By admitting he's not joking, Mallard is just quawking the neocon talking point of the moment. Propaganda is not funny...even when the propagandist admits it. Trudeau and Derf are VERY good at social and political commentary....Mallard Fillmore is just a pissed off neocon with a talent for drawing. (IMHO, of course).

As any stand up comedian will tell you, delivery is everything and can sometimes overcome bad material. Most of the time, Fillmore has no delivery that comes near funny.
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As I recall, Fillmore had a pretty good one about what the Declaration would look like if written today. Haven't been able to see it in several years though...