Clean up on aisle 9

what in the world is going on today

i've never seen so many posters go ballistic

That's what happens when one butthurt, whiny Tightie Rightie flames his way from one forum to another, changing posts and REFUSING to engage in debate...

While other hacktastic Righties including several "non-partisan" MODS just ignore his nonsense...
That's what happens when one butthurt, whiny Tightie Rightie flames his way from one forum to another, changing posts and REFUSING to engage in debate...

While other hacktastic Righties including several "non-partisan" MODS just ignore his nonsense...

he is not the only one going ballistic. and he certainly isn't the only one to ever act in such a manner.
what boggles the mind about this epic meltdown is why the left is all up on arms over just someone who leans right doing something and completely ignoring all the those who lean left doing the same thing.

calling for criminal prosecution, but only for those who don't agree with you politically.
That's what happens when one butthurt, whiny Tightie Rightie flames his way from one forum to another, changing posts and REFUSING to engage in debate...

While other hacktastic Righties including several "non-partisan" MODS just ignore his nonsense...

what is a tightie rightie flames?

Did you learn that on sesame street today?
They're cowards and bullies. They can dish it out but can't take it. It's very simple. This is how you handle bullies.

actually, it is making the board difficult to read. spamming the board isn't the way to win with these losers. you made your point awhile ago and if they didn't accept it then, they won't accept it now.
It isn't against the rules to change a quote box a bit, but it is to try to make the board unusable. Getting that upset over a "fixed it for ya" post is just insane. Getting so upset that every thread is made almost totally unreadable with your nonsense is against the rules. He's got one week to get over it.
what boggles the mind about this epic meltdown is why the left is all up on arms over just someone who leans right doing something and completely ignoring all the those who lean left doing the same thing.

calling for criminal prosecution, but only for those who don't agree with you politically.

There are posters here who don't know how to not feed the trolls. i find it very sad.

I think there is a lot of bad blood between two specific sides, and neither side will ever ever ever ever ever let anything go. There once was a wonderful time where people would simply put an annoying idiot that didn't contribute on ignore. That person would be silenced, marginalized, and everyone would move the fuck on with their lives.

Now, people will engage said people and feed into the frenzy, without realizing that they are part of the problem.

It really sucks.
There are posters here who don't know how to not feed the trolls. i find it very sad.

I think there is a lot of bad blood between two specific sides, and neither side will ever ever ever ever ever let anything go. There once was a wonderful time where people would simply put an annoying idiot that didn't contribute on ignore. That person would be silenced, marginalized, and everyone would move the fuck on with their lives.

Now, people will engage said people and feed into the frenzy, without realizing that they are part of the problem.

It really sucks.

i can see that.

i've put dune and poet on ignore because i'm tired it as well.

calling for criminal prosecution was ballistic. even more so because the person read the law completely wrong. and so was spamming the board with changed post. alias showed zappasguitar and dune are both hypocrites, but kept on and on.
It isn't against the rules to change a quote box a bit, but it is to try to make the board unusable. Getting that upset over a "fixed it for ya" post is just insane. Getting so upset that every thread is made almost totally unreadable with your nonsense is against the rules. He's got one week to get over it.

One week, that sucks.
I'll also note that the veterans of the JPP, FP, circuit typically are a lot more mature and a lot less likely to bitch about some trivial posting or not getting their way. AOLers on the other hand are not so....mature typically.
It should've been moved to the war room.

Alias isn't half as bad as a lot of the liberal posters on this board.

He was just turning the tables and mirrored how many of the liberal posters act.
And I thought the arguments SM and I had were bad, jeez people.

This place is getting more and more like a kindergarten playground.
what boggles the mind about this epic meltdown is why the left is all up on arms something i am doing and completely ignoring all the those who lean left doing the same thing.

calling for criminal prosecution, but only for those who don't agree with you politically.

Fixed that for ya.
actually, i am making the board difficult to read. spamming the board is the way i win with these losers. i made my point awhile ago and if they didn't accept it then, they won't accept it now.

Fixed this one too.