You need to respond to what I actually wrote, not to what you wish I wrote.
I did not state any preferences. We should help any war refugees from any country to the extent we can and to the extent permissable by immigration law.
Don't you claim to be a Christian, and isn't that the Christian thing to do?
MAGA fat asses obviously have a preference to who we accept as refugees, and their criteria are based on skin tone and Religion.
I did respond. Maybe it wasn't the answer you were looking for?
I'll state mine. Too many are already allowed to come through unchecked and admitted...wherever. Then there's those who cross, and are already here, illegally. Send them back.
I have no preference either, as you claim I do. It would be preferable they speak English so we can communicate with them, don't you think?
Yes, I do. And yes, the church gives much to their communities. They are there helping during/after disasters, etc. They serve free meals to the public on holidays. What do you do?
We get tired of all your rhetoric and frivolous accusations. Again, the only thing I said was learn, or know how to speak our language. Skin tone? Religion? Yeah, ok. idiot