Clergy who don't believe



Clergy Who Don't Believe

Tuesday May 25, 2010
Categories: Questions

How many of the pastors and ministers in our churches no longer believe in God? That's the question asked in "Preachers Who Are Not Believers," a fascinating report by Daniel C. Dennett and Linda LaScola of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. Dennett, of course, is a cognitive scientist and prominent atheist. His book, Breaking the Spell, put him at the forefront of "new atheists" movement, along with Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins.

The report offers five case studies of Christian ministers who no longer identify themselves as believers -- but their churches don't know it. They are secret atheists or agnostics who are still serving their congregations, teaching them about God and the Bible, and otherwise functioning as clergy.

Money quotes from three of them:

Darryl is a Presbyterian who claims to follow Jesus, but " is arguable whether I am also a 'Christian.'...I reject the virgin birth. I reject substitutionary atonement. I reject the divinity of Jesus. I reject heaven and hell in the traditional sense, and I am not alone." But he lives as a Christian anyway. "Whether there was a God or not, I would choose to live as if there was a God. Because I didn't like the alternative."

Darryl admits that he's still in the ministry because it pays the bills. It's how he makes a living. To admit his lack of beliefs would mean walking away from his only source of income.

Adam is a Church of Christ worship leader who lost his faith after reading books in which he thought atheists made better arguments than Christians. He talks about how he tried, as a reader fascinated with learning, to "be open and listen, and use my mind and reason." He worries about what others would think if they knew how he'd changed. "Even if Christianity isn't true, is it best to leave the people alone in their ignorance? ...They're happy, and they have hope in a life to come, and so it helps them through their suffering, which is a strong selling point of Christianity."

How does he handle his role as a Sunday morning worship leader? "I see it as play acting. I see myself as taking on the role of a believer in a worship service, and performing. I know how to pray publicly...I love singing. [But] I don't believe what I'm saying anymore in some of these songs."

Jack, a Southern Baptist worship leader, fell into atheism after deciding to read through the Bible carefully as a way to get closer to his faith. It had the opposite effect. "I think most Christians have to be in a state of denial to read the Bible and believe it. Because there are so many contradicting stories." He didn't plan on becoming an atheist. "I didn't even want to become an atheist. It's just I had no choice if I'm being honest with myself."

Jack admits that he's still in the ministry because it's his job. It puts food on the table. But he's planning to leave as soon as he finds another way to support his family.


In posting this report, the Washington Post asked some of its religion panelists -- from Albert Mohler to John Shelby Spong -- to respond to the report and the questions it brings up. Their answers were interesting, and all over the map (which isn't's a diverse group).

I want to ask you the same questions.

Pastors and ministers are rightly seen as authority figures when it comes to matters of faith, so...

What should pastors do if they no longer hold the defining beliefs of their denomination?

Is it better for clergy to uphold the faith of their congregations or to be honest about their own doubts and theological changes?

What would you want your pastor to do with his or her personal doubts or loss of faith?

Read more:
What should pastors do if they no longer hold the defining beliefs of their denomination?

I certainly wouldn't recommend they lie to God, themselves and their congregations....they should quit and get a job stocking shelves at Walmart......(that Church of Christ guy might be an exception, though....I'm not sure anyone in the CofC still believes in God.....five, six years ago the head of CofC in Canada said he didn't believe Jesus was divine and they let him keep his job).....
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I certainly wouldn't recommend they lie to God, themselves and their congregations....they should quit and get a job stocking shelves at Walmart......(that Church of Christ guy might be an exception, though....I'm not sure anyone in the CofC still believes in God.....five, six years ago the head of CofC in Canada said he didn't believe Jesus was divine and they let him keep his job).....

I think you may mean the head of the United Church of Canada, who said that it was unlikely that Jesus had been an actual person. I don't think that there is a C of C in Canada. I'm told that outside of Texas it's considered a cult, but that was just a rumor.
I certainly wouldn't recommend they lie to God, themselves and their congregations....they should quit and get a job stocking shelves at Walmart......(that Church of Christ guy might be an exception, though....I'm not sure anyone in the CofC still believes in God.....five, six years ago the head of CofC in Canada said he didn't believe Jesus was divine and they let him keep his job).....

At the end of the day no one's going to give up their livelihood and sell out their family just to prove a point.

And I don't see a reason why someone should be penalized for telling the truth. It's funny that when you say that it's outrageous that he said that you don't even put in a qualifier for the evidence you know of that makes it a definitely untrue statement.
I think you may mean the head of the United Church of Canada, who said that it was unlikely that Jesus had been an actual person. I don't think that there is a C of C in Canada. I'm told that outside of Texas it's considered a cult, but that was just a rumor.

I'm pretty sure leaningright is a Church of Christ preacher.
If you don't believe man up and quit. It was one of the more difficult times in my life living as an unbeliever in a church I was forced to attend, but it was worth it not to live as a hypocrite.

Even more difficult was telling my mother that I didn't believe.

I think it is insulting to the Faith of others to pretend to it just to belong to a community you fear to leave.
If you don't believe man up and quit. It was one of the more difficult times in my life living as an unbeliever in a church I was forced to attend, but it was worth it not to live as a hypocrite.

Even more difficult was telling my mother that I didn't believe.

I think it is insulting to the Faith of others to pretend to it just to belong to a community you fear to leave.

Their faith deserves to be insulted.
At the end of the day no one's going to give up their livelihood and sell out their family just to prove a point.
so you prefer that he sell out the people who are paying him?

And I don't see a reason why someone should be penalized for telling the truth.
if he's living a lie, where's the truth telling?.

It's funny that when you say that it's outrageous that he said that you don't even put in a qualifier for the evidence you know of that makes it a definitely untrue statement.
I tried Babelfish, but it still doesn't make sense....
I think you may mean the head of the United Church of Canada, who said that it was unlikely that Jesus had been an actual person. I don't think that there is a C of C in Canada. I'm told that outside of Texas it's considered a cult, but that was just a rumor.
the Church of Christ is the largest protestant denomination in both the US and in Canada......
the Church of Christ is the largest protestant denomination in both the US and in Canada......

No it isn't. The United Church of Canada is the largest protestant church in Canada, followed closely by the Anglican church.

Here's the first of many references from a quick Google search:

Search ResultsThe United Church of Canada * L'Église Unie du CanadaMar 9, 2010 ... Official site of Canada''s largest Protestant denomination. Formed in 1925 through the union of Canadian Methodists, Congregationalists and ... - Cached - Similar
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