Climate change discussion

not one of the resident libs will bother to read this. but thanks for posting the truth.

Is it the truth? Sure, we know that weather will appear to shift a bit north or south due to the effects of an urban area that wasn't there before, but that's all. Temperatures are unknown. The temperature can vary as much as 20 deg F per mile. Even the temperature of a city is unknown. All the temperatures you see published are the temperature around the weather station, and ONLY the weather station.

Urban areas are less than 1% of the total surface area of Earth.

This is cut and pasting. it is weak. It's just part of a Holy Link War with the Church of Global Warming.
Here's an opportunity for JPP's Denier meteorologists to explain why the established US/Canada low-pressure front should suddenly collapse.

Take it away, dumbasses.

Haw, haw..............................................haw.

There is no such thing as a low pressure front, dumbass.
Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Antarctica Has Not Warmed in Last Seven Decades


The Antarctic continent has not warmed in the last seven decades, despite a monotonic increase in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. In this paper, we investigate whether the high orography of the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) has helped delay warming over the continent. To that end, we contrast the Antarctic climate response to CO2-doubling with present-day orography to the response with a flattened AIS. To corroborate our findings, we perform this exercise with two different climate models. We find that, with a flattened AIS, CO2-doubling induces more latent heat transport toward the Antarctic continent, greater moisture convergence over the continent and, as a result, more surface-amplified condensational heating. Greater moisture convergence over the continent is made possible by flattening of moist isentropic surfaces, which decreases humidity gradients along the trajectories on which extratropical poleward moisture transport predominantly occurs, thereby enabling more moisture to reach the pole. Furthermore, the polar meridional cell disappears when the AIS is flattened, permitting greater CO2-forced warm temperature advection toward the Antarctic continent. Our results suggest that the high elevation of the present AIS plays a significant role in decreasing the susceptibility of the Antarctic continent to CO2-forced warming.

More cut and paste. Present your OWN arguments, stop stealing the arguments of others as your own.

The temperature of Antarctica is unknown. It also varies throughout the year with the seasons. Antarctica is also a desert. It's temperatures vary widely. This continent is about as large as the entire US and a good portion of Canada combined. the only thermometers measuring temperature there are a few research camps and perhaps a ship or two.

CO2 is incapable of warming the Earth. NO gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth. There is no such thing as 'CO2 forced warming'. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You cannot reduce entropy in any system. You cannot introdce a frequency term into the Stefan-Boltzmann law. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

A study isn't a proof. Science is not a study or a research program. Science uses no supporting evidence. Science is not a consensus, peer review, or any other voting bloc. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.
To be honest I think it will take a state wide two week long blackout before the fools come to their senses, maybe not even then.

Solar and Wind Power Struggle as California Faces Blackouts

The state's electricity grid operators warned in 2019 that power shortages might become increasingly common when heat waves hit in the coming years.


Rolling electric power blackouts afflicted roughly 2 million California residents in August as a heat wave gripped the Golden State. At the center of the problem is a state policy requiring that 33 percent of California's electricity come from renewable sources such as solar and wind power, rising to a goal of 60 percent by 2030. Yet data showed that power demand peaks just before the sun begins to go down, when overheated people turn up their air conditioning in the late afternoon. Meanwhile, the power output from California's wind farms in August was erratic.

Until this summer, California utilities and grid operators were able to purchase extra electricity from other states. But the August heat wave stretched from Texas to Oregon, so there was little to no surplus energy available. According to the San Jose Mercury News, California electricity grid operators warned in September 2019 that power shortages might become increasingly common when heat waves hit in the coming years.

California still has some natural gas power plants that can be ramped up to supply energy when renewable supplies fail. But "some folks in the environmental community want to shut down all the gas plants," Jan Smutny-Jones, CEO of the Independent Energy Producers Association, a trade association representing solar, wind, geothermal, and gas power plants, told The Mercury News in August. "That would be a disaster. Last night 60 percent of the power in [the California Independent System Operator electricity network] was being produced by those gas plants. They are your insurance policy to get through heat waves."

Union of Concerned Scientists analyst Mark Specht, by contrast, told NPR that "the solution is definitely not more natural gas plants. Really, if anything, this is an indication that California should speed up its investments in clean energy and energy storage."

An important fact is missing from this debate: California has been bringing the hammer down on a huge source of safe, reliable, always-on, non-carbon-dioxide-emitting electricity: nuclear power. In 2013, state regulators forced the closing of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, which supplied electricity to 1.4 million households. By 2025, California regulators plan to close the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, which can supply electricity to 3 million households.

The problem of climate change, along with the blackouts resulting from the vagaries of wind and solar power, suggests that California should not only keep its nuclear power plants running but also build more innovative reactors designed to flexibly back up variable renewable electricity generation.
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More cut and paste. Present your OWN arguments, stop stealing the arguments of others as your own.

The temperature of Antarctica is unknown. It also varies throughout the year with the seasons. Antarctica is also a desert. It's temperatures vary widely. This continent is about as large as the entire US and a good portion of Canada combined. the only thermometers measuring temperature there are a few research camps and perhaps a ship or two.

CO2 is incapable of warming the Earth. NO gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth. There is no such thing as 'CO2 forced warming'. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You cannot reduce entropy in any system. You cannot introdce a frequency term into the Stefan-Boltzmann law. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

A study isn't a proof. Science is not a study or a research program. Science uses no supporting evidence. Science is not a consensus, peer review, or any other voting bloc. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.

Sorry had enough, on ignore from now on!
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Into the Night Soil


There is no such thing as a low pressure front, dumbass.