Climate Change - Yet another UN report

Into the Night

Verified User
Jill Win-Banks of MSNBC is commenting on the new (yet another!) UN report that says we only have 10 years until the Earth irrevocably passes a 'tipping point' and becomes like Venus, hot enough to melt lead.

Basically the same thing they said in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, and pretty much every year in between.

The Church of Global Warming is STILL trying the same refrain and buzzwords and STILL ignoring the same laws of physics and STILL ignoring statistical mathematics and STILL out there trying to fear monger.

You would think these twits would get tired of the same old song. The only change through the years is what to call it (Global Cooling/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateCrisis/ClimateDisaster/WhateverTheFuckTheyCallItNow).

Of course, the 'solution' is always the same: shut down capitalism and liberty and implement tyranny.

The name changes, but the stripes don't.
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Jill Win-Banks of MSNBC is commenting on the new (yet another!) UN report that says we only have 10 years until the Earth irrevocably passes a 'tipping point' and becomes like Venus, hot enough to melt lead.

Basically the same thing they said in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, and pretty much every year in between.

The Church of Global Warming is STILL trying the same refrain and buzzwords and STILL ignoring the same laws of physics and STILL ignoring statistical mathematics and STILL out there trying to fear monger.

You would think these twits would get tired of the same old song. The only change through the years is what to call it (Global Cooling/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateCrisis/ClimateDisaster/WhateverTheFuckTheyCallItNow).

Of course, the 'solution' is always the same: shut down capitalism and liberty and implement tyranny.

The name changes, but the stripes don't.

Still one of my favorites
Its obvious you dont.

Actually I do! The key feature of the Second Law that IntotheNight doesn't know is it only applies to closed systems. That's his largest error. And Stefan-Boltzmann doesn't apply to the earth since we are NOT a blackbody radiator only. We have greenhouse gases in our atmosphere which cause our surface temperature to be about 30degC higher than it would be on average based solely on the S-B calculation. Oh, and "statistical mathematics"? I'd be willing to bet most of my paycheck that he couldn't do statistics on a dataset let alone actually understand time-series analyses.

IntoTheNight just likes to think he sounds smart. All you need to do is ask him what he means by these things and you'll see he hasn't a clue. He won't even actually answer them...he'll just make up more fake fallacies and apply them.

Hopefully you aren't equally benighted.
Actually I do! The key feature of the Second Law that IntotheNight doesn't know is it only applies to closed systems. That's his largest error. And Stefan-Boltzmann doesn't apply to the earth since we are NOT a blackbody radiator only. We have greenhouse gases in our atmosphere which cause our surface temperature to be about 30degC higher than it would be on average based solely on the S-B calculation. Oh, and "statistical mathematics"? I'd be willing to bet most of my paycheck that he couldn't do statistics on a dataset let alone actually understand time-series analyses.

IntoTheNight just likes to think he sounds smart. All you need to do is ask him what he means by these things and you'll see he hasn't a clue. He won't even actually answer them...he'll just make up more fake fallacies and apply them.

Hopefully you aren't equally benighted.

I'm no genius and that's not something I'm embarrassed by but when I see shit like what glacier national park did it makes me question everything supposed "geniuses" say. I know they all think they're hot shit so they spout out every kind of alarm hoping the ignorant sheeple will just follow along but their alarms end up being nothing but the little boy crying wolf. The wolf may actually show up one day but people eventually tune out the warnings since the alarms ere too numerous and wrong to count, and no doubt the smart ones will blame everyone else but yourselves for their failure. I notice all too often "geniuses" confuse education with intellect.
I'm no genius and that's not something I'm embarrassed by but when I see shit like what glacier national park did it makes me question everything supposed "geniuses" say.

That's why it is best NOT to go with one event. Look at the totality of the science from the last 60 years or so. The vast, vast, vast majority of it says AGW is real. You don't have to be a genius but betting against the house is the worst possible approach to keeping yourself safe.

I know they all think they're hot shit so they spout out every kind of alarm hoping the ignorant sheeple

Popular outlets are not going to give you the science. They are going to sell you stories that shake you up a bit. Every time I see someone attribute a recent horrible storm to AGW I cringe because that's not how statistics works. But in total the signs are getting worrying. Glaciers ARE retreating. Multi-year sea ice IS getting smaller in the Arctic. The earth IS warming. And right now the only factor that can adequately explain the warming is if we include human forcings as about 51% of the impact.

I notice all too often "geniuses" confuse education with intellect.

The flip side of that is when someone who doesn't know any science thinks they know the truth simply because they think being uneducated is the route to intellect.
That's why it is best NOT to go with one event. Look at the totality of the science from the last 60 years or so. The vast, vast, vast majority of it says AGW is real. You don't have to be a genius but betting against the house is the worst possible approach to keeping yourself safe.

Popular outlets are not going to give you the science. They are going to sell you stories that shake you up a bit. Every time I see someone attribute a recent horrible storm to AGW I cringe because that's not how statistics works. But in total the signs are getting worrying. Glaciers ARE retreating. Multi-year sea ice IS getting smaller in the Arctic. The earth IS warming. And right now the only factor that can adequately explain the warming is if we include human forcings as about 51% of the impact.

The flip side of that is when someone who doesn't know any science thinks they know the truth simply because they think being uneducated is the route to intellect.

There as many wrong as there are right. Sonic I live in Arizona i.bettr out my house up on stilts right?

I agree that global warming is happening. What I dont agree with is why it's happening and what if anything can actually be done about it. The worse thing that could happen or some might say the best thing the could happen is we kill ourselves off. The planet will keep spinning and the climate will keep changing with or without us.

Again the smart ones assume so much of people they perceive as uneducated. Its like shooting fish in a barrel with you people. That means it's almost too easy show how self absorbed the smart one are.
There as many wrong as there are right. Sonic I live in Arizona i.bettr out my house up on stilts right?

What??? Did you just have a stroke?

I agree that global warming is happening. What I dont agree with is why it's happening

The scientists don't have that problem. They know it can't be explained wholly by natural forcings and only when human forcings are put into the equation does it work.

Here's my favorite example from the IPCC. This is a set of graphs showing what it looks like if you try to recreate the warming over the last 150 years using just natural forcings and if you use human forcings. You can see the ONLY way the data makes sense is if you use human forcings:


Again the smart ones assume so much of people they perceive as uneducated. Its like shooting fish in a barrel with you people. That means it's almost too easy show how self absorbed the smart one are.

Except you don't have any scientific background. So listening to you means ignoring the only tool that works.
What??? Did you just have a stroke?

The scientists don't have that problem. They know it can't be explained wholly by natural forcings and only when human forcings are put into the equation does it work.

Here's my favorite example from the IPCC. This is a set of graphs showing what it looks like if you try to recreate the warming over the last 150 years using just natural forcings and if you use human forcings. You can see the ONLY way the data makes sense is if you use human forcings:


Except you don't have any scientific background. So listening to you means ignoring the only tool that works.

LMFAO If I live I Arizona I should out my house in stilts right?

What is my background? How do you know what my background is? This would be more assumptions would it? Tell me what ny background is.
What??? Did you just have a stroke?

The scientists don't have that problem. They know it can't be explained wholly by natural forcings and only when human forcings are put into the equation does it work.

Here's my favorite example from the IPCC. This is a set of graphs showing what it looks like if you try to recreate the warming over the last 150 years using just natural forcings and if you use human forcings. You can see the ONLY way the data makes sense is if you use human forcings:


Except you don't have any scientific background. So listening to you means ignoring the only tool that works.

LMFAO If I live I Arizona I should put my house in stilts right?

What is my background? How do you know what my background is? This wouldnt be more assumptions would it? Tell me what my background is. This last part will tell us what we really need to know.
LMFAO If I live I Arizona I should out my house in stilts right?

Why? I don't understand what your question is in relation to.

What is my background?

I don't know. But it's not science.

How do you know what my background is? This would be more assumptions would it? Tell me what ny background is.

I wouldn't know. Janitor? Assistant Glory Hole Attendant? I don't know. I just know it's not science.
Why? I don't understand what your question is in relation to.

I don't know. But it's not science.

I wouldn't know. Janitor? Assistant Glory Hole Attendant? I don't know. I just know it's not science.

So you're assuming? "I don't know. But..." by definition that's an assumption. Lmfao
No you made a claim now you have back it up. Or you could have integrity and just admit you work on assumption.

I couldn't care less what you think about anything. You don't have any science background. Prove me wrong. Tell me what you area is. Maybe you're an expert on male reproductive systems.
I couldn't care less what you think about anything. You don't have any science background. Prove me wrong. Tell me what you area is. Maybe you're an expert on male reproductive systems.

You made a claim therefore the burden is yours. Like figured a pussy.