Certainly a nice change to their society!
Don't know anyone that doesn't!
The Mayan and Aztec empires never invented the wheel.
This was one of the factors that caused the Aztecs to fall to the Spainards. The speed with which the Conquistador army could move was driven by wheeled carts carrying provisions, the Aztecs moved their supply lines on the backs of slaves. Without the wheel, the Metzoamerican people never domesticated beasts of burden. Horses and wheeled carts made Cortez and his men impossible for Aztec raiders to keep up with.
The Aztecs beset them when they were hundreds of miles from Tenochtitlan, with the intent of murdering them, raping the indigenous women, taking slaves, and of course sacrifices. But the native people had warned the Spaniards of an evil empire that spread terror across the land. When the Aztecs attacked, Cortez and his men were ready. The Spaniards were culturally and technologically superior to the Aztecs. The match lock muskets they had were of little use, but they had two critical elements - Steel and the Wheel. The Aztecs moved all goods on the backs of slaves, carts drawn by horses were something they had never encountered. The Spaniards could move fast. The Aztec slaving parties attacked Cortez 7 times as they marched to Tenochtitlan, and thousands of freed slaves joined Cortez, grateful to be saved from the brutal and savage Aztecs.
Unable to capture the Spaniards as slaves, the Priest Caste convinced the brutal dictator Montezuma that the Spaniards were gods. When the Asians had invaded America and engaged in genocide of the original inhabitants, those inhabitants were a negroid people similar to Australian aborigines, they had beards. The priests pointed to drawings of gods based on these (Olmec most likely) people. Though anyone can look at surviving drawing and clearly see they were black people, the Aztecs focused only on the beards and declared that Cortez and his men were gods.
Emperor Montezuma decided to appease these gods, since he couldn't subdue and enslave them. Cortez writes that the entertainment started with a game similar to our modern basketball. The losing team was executed to the delight of the Emperor. Then before the feast, Montezuma had 300 infants brought out and slaughtered (a democrats dream!). At that point Cortez wrote, he decided that such monstrous evil could not be allowed in the world.
This used to be widely taught, but those who seek to alter history have changed facts for fiction to preach their hatred of white Europeans.