Jill Win-Banks of MSNBC is commenting on the new (yet another!) UN report that says we only have 10 years until the Earth irrevocably passes a 'tipping point' and becomes like Venus, hot enough to melt lead.
Basically the same thing they said in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, and pretty much every year in between.
The Church of Global Warming is STILL trying the same refrain and buzzwords and STILL ignoring the same laws of physics and STILL ignoring statistical mathematics and STILL out there trying to fear monger.
You would think these twits would get tired of the same old song. The only change through the years is what to call it (Global Cooling/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateCrisis/ClimateDisaster/WhateverTheFuckTheyCallItNow).
Of course, the 'solution' is always the same: shut down capitalism and liberty and implement tyranny.
The name changes, but the stripes don't.