Climate Change - Yet another UN report



it is not possible to measure global sea level. There is no valid reference point.

JFK is 12 ft ASL. It has been 12 ft ASL since it was built in 1948.
BFI is 13 ft ASL. It has been 13 ft ASL since it was built in 1928.
Shipyards that built ships in 1880 are still there and they are still operating.
Both of them are trolling us,
This is how you mischaracterize "common sense" and the application of critical reasoning.

You know that you are an uneducated imbecile who lives by Marxist propaganda. You fucked yourself and now you struggle to find others to blame. I didn't force you to sleep through highschool. I didn't force you to bend over for some Marxist who baffled you with selected quotes from the Communist Manifesto. You did it to yourself. You never learned any science or math so you put yourself in the unenviable position of having to just trust whatever anybody tells you and to believe everything you read on the internet. Now you are bending over for Quincunx because he's the closest available thought-master.

You fucked yourself and it's nobody else's fault. You are an idiot of your own making and now you have to live with it.

You are joking obviously.
You're living in denial, obviously.

If you think the modern Mayan have an empire like they did back before the 15th century
Why did you feel the need to pivot right there? That was rather dishonest. You abrutly transitioned from "Mayan civilization" to "pre-15th century Mayan empire." We were clearly talking about the Maya civilization, and the moment you realized that you really were saying stupid things, you pivoted in the hopes that no one would notice.

Of course the Maya civilization has changed over time. All civilizations and societies and religions and organizations and governments and languages and cultures change over time. Your claim that "Climate Change" is somehow responsible for this is stupid. The Maya civilization is still thriving, mostly in Guatemala, and your claims to the contrary are absurd.

Do you know anything? Please demonstrate some modicum of education, especially before you start claiming that others, who apparently know much more than you do, are somehow wrong and uneducated. You are another scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron. I don't think you actually know anything of any value, yet you drone on and on, preaching your WACKY religion.

then you and I have very different views of reality.
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. You are ignorant. I never want that kind of "view."
Are you incapable of understanding the topic? I'm sorry. But this is absurd.
You're a moron. That is now the topic. Why do you believe in your AGW religion? Do you believe because you were told to believe by someone who does your thinking for you? You don't have any science to support your beliefs so that can't be the reason. You don't even know what science is.

Why should any rational adult believe in your WACKY AGW faith?
All people who live at, or near, the equator all live without polar ice.
You do realize the equator runs right through the Amazon, DRC, Malaysian and Indonesian rainforest? It's 20 degrees north and south of the equator where droughts are likely to happen.

Do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?
[Gullibility Chart deleted]
The notion of sea level rise has long-since been debunked. Apparently there are quite a few warmizombies who didn't get the memo, who are incapable of applying any critical reasoning and who still fall for absurd propaganda. Unbelievable.
You do realize the equator runs right through the Amazon, DRC, Malaysian and Indonesian rainforest?
You do realize that the equator runs right through Colombia, Kenya, Gabon and Brazilian rainforest? Do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?
You do realize that the equator runs right through Colombia, Kenya, Gabon and Brazilian rainforest? Do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?
You thought the rainforests were dry before I brought it to your attention.
Third graders know rainforest means rain and forest.
Is the equator desert?
It's OK to ask questions, but you need to lead with a statement that makes a point that is subsequently supported by questions.

I could answer your question with a different cryptic question that is seemingly equally pointless, e.g. Is the sky really blue? ... but this time I'll just answer that the equator is desert at Kenya and Somalia.
You do realize the equator runs right through the Amazon, DRC, Malaysian and Indonesian rainforest? It's 20 degrees north and south of the equator where droughts are likely to happen.

Do you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?

Oooo. ANOTHER pivot fallacy.

Guess what, dumbass? People are living at pretty much any latitude (except the North pole, of course).
LOL. Like you know any of this stuff. You're hilarious.

1st law of thermodynamics:
E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force over time).

2nd law of thermodynamics:
e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is entropy (or available energy to be used for work) and 't' is time.

Stefan-Boltzmann law:
R = C*e*t^4 where 'R' is light emitted per square area of radiating surface, 'C' is a natural constant, 'e' is emissivity (a measured constant denoting how well a surface radiates or absorbs light), and 't' is temperature in deg K.

These are the laws you are ignoring. They apply everywhere...all the time.
Jill Win-Banks of MSNBC is commenting on the new (yet another!) UN report that says we only have 10 years until the Earth irrevocably passes a 'tipping point' and becomes like Venus, hot enough to melt lead.

Basically the same thing they said in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, and pretty much every year in between.

The Church of Global Warming is STILL trying the same refrain and buzzwords and STILL ignoring the same laws of physics and STILL ignoring statistical mathematics and STILL out there trying to fear monger.

You would think these twits would get tired of the same old song. The only change through the years is what to call it (Global Cooling/Warming/ClimateChange/Warming/ClimateCrisis/ClimateDisaster/WhateverTheFuckTheyCallItNow).

Of course, the 'solution' is always the same: shut down capitalism and liberty and implement tyranny.

The name changes, but the stripes don't.

Yeah, but the shysters and frauds are lining their pockets with our money....
LOL. Like you know any of this stuff. You're hilarious.

It's not necessary to know the details of Tarot Cards to know they don't tell the future.

AGW is a fraud, has ALWAYS been a fraud, will always be a fraud.

I'll let you in on a secret your shamans and voodoo priests of the church of global warming and immaculate climate change will never tell you: In the 4.7 billion years that planet earth has existed - there is only one constant to the climate.


Why can your priests never tell you what the "correct" temperature range should be?
1st law of thermodynamics:
E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force over time).

Wrong. It states that the total energy of the system remains constant. There is no "time" component. It basically says that the change in energy of the system is the difference between the heat added to the system and the work done by the system. (ALSO: normal designations put U as the energy of the system and "W" as work. Oh yeah and "Q" is the heat added.

2nd law of thermodynamics:
e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is entropy (or available energy to be used for work) and 't' is time.

Wrong again. You forgot the MAIN CAVEAT about this law that makes it special. It only applies to a closed system.

These are the laws you are ignoring. They apply everywhere...all the time.

And you got them both astoundingly wrong.
AGW is a fraud, has ALWAYS been a fraud, will always be a fraud.

Like you know anything about this.

I'll let you in on a secret your shamans and voodoo priests of the church of global warming and immaculate climate change will never tell you: In the 4.7 billion years that planet earth has existed - there is only one constant to the climate.

LOL. The fact that you don't see that you just gutted your own position is actually kind of entertaining. I'll let you puzzle out what howler you just made.

Why can your priests never tell you what the "correct" temperature range should be?

No one says there is a correct temperature. The key is "change".