Climate - The Movie

As I said, didn’t miss anything, again, it exemplifies Flat Earthers promoting some obscure contrarian and promote their views as game changers all intending to create a false paradigm

Obviously you never watched the video. Nowhere in them is anyone claiming the Earth is flat.

And by "nobodies" you mean a Nobel laureate, the chair of Harvard Physics, the chair of Climatology from Princeton, oh and the NASA lead on meteorology. Three IPCC members...

Stay ignorant comrade - it's the way to serve your party. Knowledge is dangerous and forbidden to drones.

No science here...move along...move along...

Science is not a government agency, a meaningless buzzword, and has no voting bloc.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.
Climate cannot change. Religion is not science.
Single sourcing to one that is political doesn't impress me.

I love the way in the film that NASA chief Climatologist [FONT=&quot]John Clauser stated that he lied the whole time with NASA, and only could be honest now that he is retired. Congressional funding, he explained - depends on there being a crisis - if anyone at NASA says their is no crisis - they lose their funding, and their jobs.[/FONT]
If I'm admittedly not learned enough to understand all the elements of an argument,
all that I can do is try to assess the people arguing.

Given that most Americans on the political right can only aspire to have the IQ of an ice cube,

my tendency is to believe the progressive left's side of the argument.
If I'm admittedly not learned enough to understand all the elements of an argument,
all that I can do is try to assess the people arguing.

Given that most Americans on the political right can only aspire to have the IQ of an ice cube,

my tendency is to believe the progressive left's side of the argument.

Then you are a dupe. The progressive left has been wrong pretty much consistently on, well, everything for the last 200+ years. They've managed to start the vast majority of wars, and have destroyed the lives of billions, killed needlessly hundreds of millions, destroyed nations, societies, and economies, and basically fucked everything they touch up. They have the Crapper touch. Everything they touch turns to shit.
Then you are a dupe. The progressive left has been wrong pretty much consistently on, well, everything for the last 200+ years. They've managed to start the vast majority of wars, and have destroyed the lives of billions, killed needlessly hundreds of millions, destroyed nations, societies, and economies, and basically fucked everything they touch up. They have the Crapper touch. Everything they touch turns to shit.

TAG and I see things quite differently.

Such a revelation.
I love the way in the film that NASA chief Climatologist [FONT="]John Clauser stated that he lied the whole time with NASA, and only could be honest now that he is retired. Congressional funding, he explained - depends on there being a crisis - if anyone at NASA says their is no crisis - they lose their funding, and their jobs.[/FONT]

This is true of any government agency or department. Unlike private businesses, government does not use profit as a success metric. This is simply because government has no profit. Instead, the success metric in government is to justify yourself. That is done by appearing to solve a problem (like the cavalry coming over the hill in the nick of time). Even if they have to manufacture a 'problem' to solve (or a 'crisis' to solve), they will do it. They shouldn't actually solve it, of course, because their only success metric is to appear to be needed to solve the 'problem'.

Thus, at NASA, they must manufacture a crisis, then appear to be in a position to 'solve' it, without actually solving it (or they lose their justification!).

This affects every government agency, departments, branch, and even the entirety of government itself.
If I'm admittedly not learned enough to understand all the elements of an argument,
all that I can do is try to assess the people arguing.

Given that most Americans on the political right can only aspire to have the IQ of an ice cube,

my tendency is to believe the progressive left's side of the argument.

Argument from randU fallacy, Sock. Bulverism fallacy. Inversion fallacy. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else, Sock.